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Useful Words


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Hi guys! I read somewhere that when learning a new language, the fastest way to do it is by learning some adverbs first!  Well, following that line of thought I decided to create a small adverbs and question words for you to learn and hopefully use soon ;) 

Please feel free to suggest more, also let me know if you see something is not right!

Soms - Sometimes

Omdat - Because of

Want - Because

Altijd - Always

Meestal - Most of the time

Nooit - Never

Vaak - Often

Gewoonlijk - Usually

Nu - Now

En - And

Maar - But

Of - or

Heel - Very

Hier - Here

Daar - there

Ook - Too

Veel - Much

Misschien - Maybe

Een ander - Another

Net als - Just as

Nog niet - Not yet

Nog steeds - Still


Wie - Who

Wat - What

Waarom - Why

Wanneer - When

Hoe - How

Waar - Where

Welk/Welke - Which

Please bear in mind that in dutch one simple word can take on the role of an adverb, adjective, noun,  verb or conjunction!  It happens very often, but not always!  So one word can have other meanings depending on he context, like for example ''haar''.

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