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Success finding target language speaking friends?


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Has anyone had success finding a friend that is a native in the language you are trying to learn? How do you communicate with them? Do they know a portion of your native language? Do you use websites like Skype? Has having a friend that speaks your target language helped you on your path to fluent speaking?

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Interestingly, I'm the one getting the shorter end of the stick. But I don't mind. Most of my colleagues are Korean. So, a lot of them are very interested in learning English. So, we normally communicate via e-mail and chat thru Yahoo messenger.

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I'm sure this very question was asked fairly recently, like last week? Unless I'm having a deja vu moment lol Anyway, to answer the question; when I was learning French, I didn't have any French speaking friends or even acquaintainces around me. It was only years later that I met and became friends with a couple of French people. They didn't speak a jot of my native language, but our common language was English. They did help me with my French if I asked.

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Yup, I found one that speaks Spanish, but we normally chat about personal stuff and we don't really talk about language, although I can easily ask her to translate something for me if ever I need anything translated. Our friendship is actually more personal than language-learning related.

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I have once managed to find a French speaking friend, although I first met her on tumblr due to our common interests rather than me needing someone to practice with. We speak in English sometimes and in French in other times.

I think it's helped me gain a little more confidence, but nothing too noteworthy

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  • 2 weeks later...

I stared talking with someone recently, I'd not say we are friends yet tho, he doesn't seem to want to be friends. He is interested in learning my language and I'm interested in learning his!  Well, actually he already speaks my language, not so well, but he is taking classes! We contact each other via Skype and E-mail, but lately he seems kinda busy.  I usually e-mail him to ask him questions related to the language, he does the same sometimes.

Things are going well, but not as well as they were first couple of days... but still much better than with the other language buddy I found earlier (she wanted me to teach her my language), she was willing to do the same, but I don't have that kind of energy right now. I mean, I can totally answer grammar related questions, correct sentences, translate things, but I just can't plan a whole lesson, not now at least.

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I'm lucky that my family is Hispanic so when I want to practice and improve on my Spanish I could always text and talk with my mom. For Italian, I have coworkers at our Italian plant and I could practice when I go there.

I do use Skype too and I use http://www.italki.com/?ref=1555469 to find teachers and friends. You can connect with a lot of people on Skype and exchange languages for free. For example we spend 30 min talking Spanish to help me out and then spend 30 min talking English to help you out.

Best of luck!

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