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Linguistics German Experiment: Participants Needed

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Hello, all!

My apologies if this post is considered inappropriate for this kind of forum.  If it is, I did not intend to break the rules!

I am currently a Masters student at the University of Leeds for the Linguistics and English Language Teaching programme, and I have spent the summer working on my dissertation.  My dissertation's topic centres on upper intermediate to near-native German speakers whose mother tongue is English, and the ideal participant would be someone who started learning German as a second language post-puberty.  My experiment deals with 'awkward' German sentences to see how non-native German speakers process language--whether it is according to their first language syntax or has been adapted to their second language syntax.  After having studied German for about eight years and having lived and worked in Germany for a short time, this topic greatly interests me!

The experiment itself consists of 50 questions with two tasks in a Word document.  It doesn't take too long to complete--about 30 minutes at the most.  I also provide an informed consent form (you can withdraw at any time during the experiment), an information sheet, and a short pre-experiment questionnaire to get some background information (age range, etc.).

If you consider yourself an upper intermediate to near-native German speaker, you are greatly encouraged to reply to this thread or send me an email at: [email protected].  All future correspondence would be through email. 

I have been struggling with finding participants over the summer here in Leeds, so your help would be GREATLY appreciated!  If you have any questions, please let me know.



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