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Has anyone written a thesis on literature in English? it must be very hard to do if it is not a subject that you enjoy and how complicated if you are not too familiar with the language if it is not a language that you speak everyday.

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I have not written one. But I could imagine the challenges one would encounter in conducting the research. First off, I doubt if someone would even start one on a subject that one doesn't enjoy. When conducting a thesis, I always have the assumption that an element of 'interest' is there. After all, that interest is the fuel that will drive and motivate you to thoroughly research on the subject. Then, the joy in the discovery.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I'd chosen linguistics for my BA thesis simply because linguistics is something you can prove and find evidence for. Literature has more speculation. I am not certain what can be discovered simply because the teacher will always have his or her own interpretation of it and can always say that your interpretation is wrong, because that is what literature is - interpretation. You can find some evidence of certain phenomena, for example, alliteration or things like  that, but that is not really a research topic. I think literature could be connected to psychology, if nothing else, and maybe some psychological behaviours or studies could be read from it, but again, I am not really sure about this. It would take a lot of originality to write a thesis in literature and a great knowledge of many literary movements, that's for sure.

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