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One of the best German language-learning blogs ever


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I recently stumbled upon this amazing blog : http://yourdailygerman.com/

If by any chance the creator of this blog is a member of this forum and happens to be reading this now, I would just like to say "Wow!!!". I am impressed!

Not only are there extremely well-thought-out and detailed explanations on the finer points of German grammar (like the different uses of the "ver-" prefix and how common words like "möglich" and "mal" evolved) but there are also very comprehensive free grammar lessons explained in a humorous way. 

I really give it two thumbs up!

PS: It was on this blog that I finally found out that the "ent-" in "entdecken" and the "emp-"  in "empfehlen" are actually the same prefix!

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PS: It was on this blog that I finally found out that the "ent-" in "entdecken" and the "emp-"  in "empfehlen" are actually the same prefix!

I didn't even know that. However, I probably know more about the etymology of Chinese Characters than German

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