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      Manuel Fuchs's Content - Linguaholic Jump to content

      Manuel Fuchs

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      Everything posted by Manuel Fuchs

      1. I don't know if this is only a problem that relates to German Speakers of English but i often don't know if I have to just the verb make or do.can someone help me with the following sentences and maybe tell me if there is a rule about this? Sentences // make or do // 1 What on earth have you done / made with my computer? 2 It is very annoying to play with Vanessa . She makes / does such a fuss if she doesn't win. 3 The visiting foreign dignitaries were invited to make / do speeches about the ceremonial opening of parliament. 4 If you agreed, you would be doing / making me a favour. 5 They will hear us and call the police, if you do / make any noise. 6 A short rest would make / do you an awful lot of good. 7 Well, there just isn't any Coca-Cola in the fridge. You will have to make / do without. 8 My mother always makes /does the beds straight after breakfast. 9 He's having a new suit made / done, as he really cares about his outfit. 10 What do you feel like making / doing this weekend? Walking? Eating out?
      2. Sometimes I see a sentence like: "Only yesterday did I hear the news." Normally I guess, the sentence would go like: Only yesterday I did hear the news. Are there any rules for this? hopefully a native speaker can help me with this kind of problem :bored:
      3. I have seen my friend linguaholic posted the word of the years (1995-2012), so i thought i can do the same BUT post the ugliest words in German (germany) according to Here we go: 2012 Opfer-Abo (this is actually my favorite one hehe) 2011 Döner-Morde 2010 alternativlos 2009 betriebsratsverseucht 2008 notleidende Banken 2007 Herdprämie 2006 freiwillige Ausreise 2005 Entlassungsproduktivität 2004 Humankapital 2003 Tätervolk 2002 Ich-AG 2001 Gotteskrieger 2000 national befreite Zone 1999 Kollateralschaden 1998 sozialverträgliches Frühableben 1997 Wohlstandsmüll 1996 Rentnerschwemme 1995 Diätenanpassung If you don't understand some of them, please let me know. I will be glad to explain to u
      4. hi anderson :indian: i would like to learn some more japanese too...i think we should post a lot of questions in the japanese forum and see what happens lol.
      5. hi BWL is it possible to speak so many languages? would you like to share your secret hehe :frozen:??? anyway, welcome to the forum! have fun
      6. The meaning is not th same in every context but it often means to „party hard“. Let me provide a sample sentence: Heute abend sollten wir mal wieder so richtig auf den Putz hauen! „Let’s party hard tonight!“ // Let’s all go crazy tonight…. :angel: (It would be good if you could provide the context ; it will be much easier to give you an accurate answer)
      7. a friend of mine told me about This must be the prettiest language learning plattform I have ever seen. Just love the design and the the way to you can study on this page, share your results with friends on facebook and many more features. You can study German, French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portugiese and French there. If you wanna have some fun while studying, give this a try!
      8. that's a call thread, Marcel! I really like those two quotes that you posted: “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” “Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.” I would like to add some of my favourites too: Men's best successes come after their disappointments. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a chance of being a prophet. Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
      9. hi all I am Manuel from Germany. My mother tongue is German and I can speak French, English and I am now studying Chinese. I hope to make some friends here on linguaholic. If you need Help in German, just message me, I will be glad to help you. I am 23 years old and live in Munich, Germany. See ya around
      10. I just started to study Chinese and I think it is a good idea to study some vocabulary at the beginning. I would like to study the most used chinese characters first. Can I find somewhere a list with the most frequent chinese characters? Maybe the most important 500 chinese characters or so..and do you think it is better to study single characters or immediately words? As far as I know most of the chinese words are two characters, not one. Some flashcards to study (online and if possible free) would also be nice. Let me know your method and your favorite websites to study Characters online please.
      11. Help with German genders hey my friend. don't be desperate. 8) I will try to help you out on this. German uses the three genders of the late Proto-Indo-European language group; namely the masculine, the feminine, and the neuter. Each of the German nouns will take one of those three genders. The grammatical gender of a German noun does not necessarily correspond with the real-life object's sex, which makes things really difficult and in some way “random” :=). Nouns denoting a person, such as die Frau ("woman") or der Mann ("man"), often agree with the natural gender of what is described. However, since every German noun ending with -chen or -lein is grammatically neuter, there exist several notable exceptions to the rule (orr let's call it counterexamples) such as das Mädchen ("girl") and das Fräulein ("miss")and “das Weib” . Moreover, German assigns gender to nouns without natural gender, in an arbitrary fashion. For instance, the three most common pieces of cutlery all have different genders: the spoon = der Löffel, the fork = die Gabel, the knife = das Messer. Learners of German are often advised to study the three genders (the articles) by heart, as there is apparently no rule that they can “stick to”. However, this is not entirely true, as there are some good ways to study the articles. For instance, the suffix of a noun can be used to recognize about 50-80% of noun genders: Nouns ending in the suffixes -heit, -keit, -tät, -ung, or -schaft are always feminine. As mentioned above, nouns ending in -chen or -lein take the neuter. A noun ending in –e is likely to be feminine; however, this is unfortunately not a universal rule: die Katze ("cat"), die Hornisse ("hornet"), and die Fliege ("fly") are feminine, but der Bote ("delivery boy") is masculine, and das Ende ("end") is even neuter. Similarly, a noun ending in –er is likely to be masculine (der Keller, der Wecker, der Computer); however, the knife is das Messer and water is das Wasser, whereas die Mutter ("mother") is feminiine, as can die Butter ("butter"). However, in Swiss German, “die Butter” takes the neuter, it is therefore Der Butter in Switzerland :=)
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