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  1. Dinero ahorrado, dos veces ganado
  2. Here is the difference: I am going to eat = Voy a comer I am going to go to that corner and eat my lunch = Voy a ir a esa esquina y comer mi almuerzo.
  3. Here you go: ¿Pudieron comprar las entradas ayer? Sí, las pudieron comprar.
  4. I believe the correct way of saying this is: 'those books were written in Italian' = aquellos libros fueron escritos en italiano. 'those books were written in Italian' = aquellos libros se escribieron en italiano
  5. Yep, that's a really great app. My son uses it for English vocabulary. It has lots of topics.
  6. Hmm... that's an interesting question. I may be wrong but here is what I think: "Creo que es ridículo que los gatos sean más populares que los perros". To say the same in a different way, but to use infinitive you'd need a trick, "Creo que es ridículo pensar que los gatos son más populares que los perros". I think these are ok, but hopefully someone else can confirm it too.
  7. Here is the reason why it's worth learning: 406 million native speakers About 100 million non-native speakers
  8. Anything is useful if you can practice the target language. Of course it's better if you can do that every single moment in a native environement. Unfortunately that's not an option for many learners; for them only the classroom practice is the only alternative. however, it doesn't have to be about grammar only.
  9. Google translator will often give you incorrect results. Quiero besarte. means: I want to kiss you. ¡Quiero darte un beso! means: I want to give you a kiss! So it really doesn't matter which one you use.
  10. First, it would be good to know a little bit more about the level of your Spanish. You would probably need several apps since most of them teach only vocabulary or only grammar etc. A good one for grammar is called "Spanish Touch Trainer". It helps you with sentence structure, conjugation, and other grammar stuff. Another one for building vocabulary is called "Gengo Quiz", it takes you from beginner´s level to Upper Intermediate. But don't forget! Nothing substitutes a good teacher.
  11. Reading and watching movies in Spanish should not be neglected either
  12. "Luego" means then, "después" means afterwards. Ocassionally they have meanings that converge, but mostly they have the above meanings.
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