Here in the Philippines, language learning is vital for occupational purposes. I am currently teaching language skills like reading, writing, speaking and listening to tertiary students. Primarily, college students learn a foreign language for occupational or professional pursuits. The university that I am currently employed offers Mandarin, French and Nihonggo lessons. In my case, I had an attempt to learn Mandarin by purchasing booklets and CDs on the basic of Mandarin. It was hard to learn by myself because Mandarin is a new language to me. The sounds are kind of awkward and it feels like 'alien' I never succeeded actually in learning it because I need more help. Mandarin and other foreign languages are useful for professional growth. We get jobs, one because of our capability to communicate with a particular language of the community. It is an edge for applicants to be knowledgeable and verbiage on the preferred language of his workplace.