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Posts posted by caparica007

  1. Pues es que no estoy estudiando, soy portugues y me tengo equivocado, queria escribir olvidar e tengo escrito esquecer como se dice en portugués...

    Wow, soy de México y nunca en mi vida había escuchado la palabra "esquece". ¿Dónde estas estudiando español?

    Bueno, yo fui a la universidad el día de hoy y me regresaron un exámen en el cual saqué 9.8. Me siento bien por ello jajaja. Luego me fui a jugar futbol con unos amigos y empezó a llover, así que me vine a mi casa. Ya ahorita estoy en la computadora, sin hacer realmente nada jajaja  :sad:

  2. Really isabbbela you speak with your Portuguese friends in English? I am pretty sure I would understand a Brazilian, we have thousands of them living here in Portugal.

    JellyFish, you can start by learning Bom dia, Boa tarde, Boa noite (Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good evening).

  3. It is more or less common sense that the sooner they start learning the better, but I suppose your girl first needs to learn how to speak. It's true that before she can verbalize it the whole language structure is already inside her head, so possibly you can make her listen stories or songs in foreign languages. I have a 10 CD audio collection from the Grimm Brothers in German from when I was learning German, they were pretty helpful.

  4. That is very true thekernel and ashishkashyap25, if you are self-learning you need to have big motivation and self-discipline or else you will not progress. The learning environment of a classroom is or course easier, but this brings much higher costs, if you can afford it great if not self-study is a very valid option.

  5. I would have to put myself in the self learning bracket, at school we had a choice between french or german and l chose french, I never really got into it at school it was only when my children started learning spanish at school that l became intrested in spanish.  My children are not fluent in spanish yet but they are getting there :wink:

    So are you currently learning Spanish on your own or are your kids teaching you?  :tongue:

  6. Most of the languages I have studied I did it alone at home with my books and tapes. I think it is a good method up to a point when you really need to start talking with other people or else you cannot progress.

    Are you a self-learner or are you at a school?

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