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Posts posted by Dieselfit

  1. Adding new words in your English vocabulary shouldn't be as hard as it might seem. Try these tips to absorb and obtain new information:


    When you learn a new word, find something to associate it with. For example if you're trying to memorize GARGANTUAN, which means very large, think of things that match the description. Think gorrilla, monster trucks, or even that zit on your friends nose. Attach the words to images and create emotion with it.


    The internet is filled with tons of information and it's at your finger tips. If you don't know what a word means, search it. If you continuously learn new things, you will make it easier to absorb information while strengthening your brain.

    Create a map:

    I found this to make learning new words much easier. Get a paper and pencil. Choose a word that you would like to learn new words for. For example if you choose "search" then have that in the middle. Then connect it to new words like "find, explore, look, hunt, forage" etc. You can imagine how many words you'll learn by the end of the day!

    Don't forget to practice, practice and practice! The more you use the new words you learn, the more it'll be buried in your brain.

  2. Poetry can be blurred as mentioned already. Lyrics aren't the best way to learn English but it is a good way to add words to vocabulary. While poetry can be mind puzzling and adds a little bit of a curve which makes it hard to understand but a better learning experience for our English learning. It's like trying to attempt a puzzle made out of Math. You are practicing two things at once which is better for your brain.

  3. I believe Chinese is one of the most difficult languages out there. Anyone learning any language especially at a older age, as compared to a child, would have some difficulty learning it. Now Chinese is a new language to most of us but it doesn't mean we can't learn it. I think our doubts and beliefs come into play too. If we believe we can speak fluent Chinese and read as well, then we can. That's probably why as adults we have more of a difficult time learning new thing as fast as children would. We have doubts and beliefs built into us. I haven't started learning Chinese as much as I should be, but it is difficult so far!

  4. I would like to know what is the first step to learning Chinese. I've read some quick phrases and words on random pictures but nothing too serious. Pronunciation and such is hard. Has anyone ever learned Chinese from scratch being a bit older than a child? I know a child can learn quicker than an adult. So maybe someone with some fresh memory on how they started and what got them going on learning it.

  5. I think the best way to get the perfect translation is by asking your friends, or discussion forums like here. If you're lucky, you'll find a teacher that you can become friends with online and ask him or her via Skype or voice. This way, you'll get the correct grammar and the right translation.

    Google translator isn't reliable and it's only basic as far as translations go.

  6. I remember my first words and I remember it perfectly. I was about 10 years old...no I'm just kidding! When I was born, I was the head of a company called Apple. Well actually I kid again, I'm not sure what were my first words were. But when I had trouble getting my words out clearly as my parents told me. It wasn't very clear to others but I was talking a lot!

  7. I think this is a great way to learn a new language. Whether it's a foreign language or something that you need to refresh yourself with. Movies are great for just that. It's a great way to learn new words and perhaps some slang in the language. Sometimes it isn't the best source for grammar and such. Communication is probably the most you'll learn from a movie. Have you ever learned a language from a movie?

  8. hey Aerial! This is a great thread and you're very right, music does help with learning. Though sometimes it isn't the best for grammar, it does teach a lot about vocabulary and words. For English, I would recommend rappers as they use a lot of words. Like Eminem, but maybe he is a bit too aggressive. And slow singing artists are good too.

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