I see you are a native speaker, so I feel kind of awkward correcting this here, but for others reading this, technically "could/would/should + have" constructions are supposed to take the third form. So it this case "could have gone". That said, this is a fairly common mistake mistake, enough so that in certain contexts I am tempted to say it isn't a mistake at all but an idiosyncrasy of some groups of speakers. That said... in written English and especially if you are learning, I'd avoid it... ------------------------------ As far as the breaking bad ending is concerned. I knew Walt had to die. It was the only way it could have ended. I thought his "redemption" was kind of rushed. I think they needed one or two more episodes so that we could see Walt realizing how badly he had mangled things, because that bit felt a little rushed in the interest of not wanting to slow down the story. I was certain for quite some time though that Jesse would have to be the one to kill Walt, but I liked the way they handled that at the end.