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Posts posted by xxxxxx

  1. It have not yet experience something like that. But there is one episode I had watched on a reality television series of interviewing foreign people living in the Philippines he was an American by his looks but when he talked he sounds like a true Filipino because he was very fluent speaking the Tagalog language considering he was residing there for only one year. And he was amazing and I really admire people who are fluent to other languages besides their native language.

  2. I know I can relate to this thread because right now I am currently living to a new country my husband homeland and to think that their language is not that easy the Korean language. Before I came here I had already studied and learned some basic words and phrases that are needed in everyday conversations in my mother country. Because I know it will be hard for me to communicate if I know nothing even a single word of their language. And so by the time I arrived here even though I am still shy to communicate with the people here, I am still motivated to study and to learn more their language so that I will not isolate myself anymore from them.

  3. The multiple choice tests/exams I think is an easy type of exam. You only had to choose from the given choices the answer you think or remembered that is right. Sometimes most of us if are not sure for themselves they always choose the "none of the above" answer.  During entrance exams for eligibility to high school, college or even when you are applying for work in a company the multiple choice tests/exams are always part of the exams in general and I think the examiners find this an easy way also for them in checking the tests/exams results.

  4. Right now I am still shy to communicate with the people around here in the country of my husband. I am only new in this place and one thing I am still studying and learning their language which is Hangeul. Although I am not afraid to speak a few words to them but I am not talking to them in a conversation if I am not with my husband. I feel like I am always different from them and that I will be misunderstood by them but I know sooner I can avoid this feeling anymore. :)

  5. My family and friends already knew that I am studying and learning Korean language and like what I had said in my previous post in this forum I should seriously need to study hard because it is for my own sake since I am married to a Korean and for my stay in their country. They are not surprised anymore but most of their reaction and queries to me are:  Are you having a hard time learning the language?..Oh! Hangeul is not that easy and good luck on your studies.. These are only of the few words of encouragement I had received from them and it makes me feel to study more.. Well, I hope in a matter of time I will be fluent with the language already..:)

  6. I want to study and learn to speak the Korean language not just because I want to learn a new language but indeed I really have to do it since my husband is a Korean and I should seriously studying and learning the language for my own sake while staying here in their country. :)

  7. I cannot imagine those people who are saying that English is not important. Nowadays when you travel and go to different countries it is widely spoken and use and you will meet many English speaking people and there are many of them who had studied already the language. I am always amazed to some people like the Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Italians and other nationalities who are well versed in the English language. They can communicate well and that is because of hard work on studying English language which is really a very important language in the world. :)

  8. Even English is not my native language I always do love it and for me it is my second mother tongue and that is why I like to write like what I am doing here now. We all know that English is the universal language and you are lucky if you can speak the language because everywhere you go you can communicate with English speaking people and you will not be afraid to travel around the world. Right now that I am studying Korean I do still love the English language. :)

  9. Here in the place where I am currently living I met a friend who could speak English, Korean and Chinese and up to now he is still continuing in learning more about the said languages. I admire him for his dedication in learning multiple languages and he is also had an eye of learning my Tagalog language which I had already introduced to him often in most of our conversations and its great because he is fast learner. :)

  10. During my college days we had a "Spanish" subject and it is included in our education curriculum because in the past our country was being colonized by the Spaniards. So it is been passed on up to this generation. But it is only the basic and simple words and phrases. So since I had a little background of the language I may say for me it is easier than French. But maybe if I will be given the opportunity to learn French that is the time I can make a comparison of which is easier between the two of them.

  11. "kamusta na mga "tol"? means How are you guys?...All I know it originated from the word "utol" and you are right it means a brother or sister. And the word has no exception and can be use by a man or a woman. I always hear this phrase word from my fellow kababayans in the Philippines  to tell each other "how are you?", or when they see each somewhere else or when by chance they see each other after a long time and when they are in an eating or drinking session and everywhere. This word is use to make somebody feel that they are being thought and remembered all the time.. Just missed the word "tol" and thanks for the post...:)

  12. 안녕 하세요!  (Annyeong haseyo!)... Hello!....Yes it is true the videos of "Talk to me in Korean" are a wonderful source to learn Hangeul. I also used their videos together with my studies here in Korea. Learning Korean language is not that easy and here in their country if you a spouse of a Korean you have to pass all the levels of their language if you will be living in their country for a long time. And you should learn seriously but once you know how to conjugate their words already then it will be easy for you to construct sentences and at the same time to have a conversations with them..Right now I may say that I learned halfway and thanks to my husband for also being there as my my actual teacher when it comes to the pronunciation of words and it really helped me a lot. 안녕히 계세요! (Annyeonghi kyeseyo!)...Good bye!

  13. Whenever I am reading and I had read a word that is new to me, I will get my notepad then write it down and research the meaning of that word from whatever source be it in a dictionary or in the internet. After that I try to memorize the word again and again until it is already stored in my brain. This is my way to learn and understand a new vocabulary easily and fast. :)

  14. Oh! This question is so interesting! I should ask my parents what are my first words during that time because they are the ones who knew it because I am a little baby at that time...I don't know If they still remembered that..I hope so....And now I am excited to hear from them what are that words..Thanks for asking! :)

  15. They say reading keeps our mind buzzing! That is why I love to read. And if your are going to ask me whether I am a slow or fast reader I can be both of them. I am a fast reader if the book I am reading is interesting for me and I am a slow reader if I am reading something that needs careful reading and understanding. It is just a matter of how I will find myself to make my reading enjoyable! :)

  16. English is generally part of the school curriculum in my native country.  Since in the elementary grade, middle school, high school  and up to college level English is being taught and being used in the daily conversations at school. So I may say I am lucky because aside from my native language I had learned English since I was a kid and this helped me a lot for being able not to be afraid to travel and to communicate with English speaking people and as we all know English is the universal language.

  17. For me the hardest part of learning a new language is in terms of speaking...Reading and writing works out just fine for me. What is difficult for me is the pronunciation and the diction when saying the words especially when using it already in a conversation. Constant practice of how to say the words in the right way I think is what I should do in order to be fluent in the language. And to think Hangeul is not that easy :)

  18. Yes it is true that one good reason why someone wants to study a language is if one is moving to another country like me. Learning the language of another country is not that easy but in the long run when you are well versed about it you can already adapt to their conversations. Well, I hope in due time I will be fluent already in Hangeul to make my life easier for me here in their place.

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