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Everything posted by yurithebest1

  1. I have been making the same mistake all over again when i talk to French customers that call over the phone (in my work of course), but when i started getting some experience i noticed that there are a lot of people that use the Subjonctif mode a lot especially when they use sentences like: I have to do it now - il faut que je le fasse maintenant (which is very common in French) Then i started realizing the importance of that mode, and i discovered that learning it can be easy through reading books and practicing my French language.
  2. I have never been to any country that speaks French, but due to my job as a booking agent in a call center, i talk everyday to many people that speak French and who are mainly from France, Canada and Belgium. I have to admit that every call that i get is like travelling to that country and having a conversation with the passenger, but i have already made a decision to make the conversations real and visit Paris soon to see how it is like to live with French people.
  3. Bonjour tout le monde, je suis nouveau ici et je voudrais ameliorer mon niveau de la langue Francaise, et c'est ca qui m'a pousse a s'inscrire dans ce forum. Au fait, je suis du Maroc et je voudrais savoir est-ce qu'il y a d'autres personnes ici qui viennent du Maroc, ou d'un autre pays qui parle le Francais comme une premiere ou deuxieme langue, ou simplement qui parle le Francais par admiration de cette langue.
  4. Bonjour or should i say hello everyone, My name is Yuri, i come from Morocco and i am glad to find this forum that is going to help me learn French which is the second language in Morocco, however i don't master it very well. I have been reading what is being posted on this forum for a couple of weeks, till i decided today to become a member to learn French and help others learn Arabic which is my mother tongue. Please be sure to send me a message if you are learning Arabic or if you're like me trying to learn French, so that we can share what we know about that classy language.
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