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Posts posted by True2marie

  1. Yes, I see language as an investment. 

    Anytime you expand your knowledge of a meaningful subject, you grow as an adult. Even if the only thing you learn is how another culture thinks, you're better off. This is why (to me) keeping language arts in school is vital.

    Also, let's not forget that since society is getting smaller, it's important to understand how to communicate with a variety of people. This ability opens the door for more opportunities career-wise, which is a BIG plus.


  2. www.newsinslowspanish.com

    I'm pretty shy and travel a lot for work so I don't get many opportunities to converse with people in person.  I was thinking about joining this site since it would focus on my listening and then I could practice reading the scripts out loud.  Do you thinking mimicking the script readings would help my Spanish?  Has anyone tried this website to supplement their Spanish learning?

    You could learn Spanish this way although eventually you'll have to converse with someone. It's the only way to see if you can communicate effectively.  Otherwise, you could be wasting your time.

  3. :wink: Yes - what's taught in text books differs from what's spoken on the streets. That's why I believe people need both in order to be fluent.

    A TV show I used to enjoy watching was called "King of the Hill". The running joke was how one of the main characters thought she was fluent in Spanish, but really sucked at it. So, when she spoke to anyone who was native, they never understood her.

  4. An ex-boyfriend of mine struggled to learn Spanish. As a matter of fact, he actually flunked the course twice before giving up all together. For whatever reason, he could not grasp this language.

    Considering we both were living in California around many Latino people, this was shocking to me. He was smart in every other way.  However, I know he isn't alone.  Why is it that some people can't learn a second language?

  5. Un gorila entra en un bar y pide una cerveza. La chica del bar esta muy sorprendida, pero le sirve.

    " Cuanto es? " Dice el gorila.

    " Cinco dolares," responde la chica.

    Algunos minutos más tarde, la chica supera su timidez y pregunta directamente al gorila,

    " Perdone, pero no tenemos muchos gorilas por aqui."

    "No me extraña," dice el gorila, "Si la cerveza cuesta cinco pavos!!"

    This is funny. It's a great commentary on the cost of even a beer in some pubs.

    The first joke, I didn't really get the punch line. So, I didn't think it was funny.

  6. Well, if there is a disclaimer stating that you can learn enough of the language to get by, while on a short vacation, in 10 days, their promotion is truthful.

    However, to truly learn a language, there is no way it can be done in ten days. If that was the case, all of us would be linguists, knowing multiple languages.

    Having said that, I've tried Pimsleur and wasn't all that impressed with the program. Perhaps though, they've improved it.

    I knew there had to be some kind of catch.  I just keep running across these Pimsleur ads all over the web. Ten days isn't long enough to learn much in life unless it's how to switch a light bulb on and off.

  7. Dr. Pimsleur (see site) promotes a learning program to help a person acquire a new language in 10 days.

    To me, this sounds fraudulent. I do NOT believe anyone can learn a new language this quickly.

    What do you think?

    Link: https://www.pimsleurapproach.com/search286/learn-a-language.asp?sid=007exactLG_286_L10WQRadRed_ggl&Network=Search&kw=learning%20language&ad=28678614905&SiteTarget=&s_kwcid=TC|3792|learning%20language||S||28678614905&gclid=CJ7a2KePh7wCFU5efgodxiEAPg

  8. The main benefit of knowing multiple languages (in my humble opinion) is the ability to travel to different place and communicate. A trip abroad is more fun if you don't have to struggle to talk to the natives. Also, I think for job purposes, knowing more than one language gives you an edges since most customer bases are diverse.

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