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      RoseThurst - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      1. Ah, so that was what I was doing wrong. I kept trying to put the adjective in between "ne... pas" Er wait but wait.... "is" isn't the subject. "she is not eating" Elle n'est pas manger. Oh wait you said after the subject. So that makes perfect sense. Everything makes so much more sense now! And I feel like an idiot for not realizing it was placed after the subject.
      2. French In Action an older show that uses the immersion technique. It is very easy to follow along with, and even if you are just one week into learning a language you can understand a bit of what is going on and learn. Do not be surprised or let it overwhelm you if you only understand one word in ten or twenty or more! It is immersion- they will put a focus on certain words and phrases that you are meant to learn. Such as "ca va" ("It goes" or "I'm doing good".) I recommend only watching half of the first video- as it basically just explains how it works and is an advertisement. It's entertaining, a great ego boost, and forces you to actually listen to the words. For someone like me who finds the verbal aspect of French to be the hardest part, it's a godsend. The textbooks that you are supposed to follow along with are pretty pricey on the actual site, but considering they are giving it to us for free, I don't see a problem with that. You can watch the videos without the textbooks. Or you can buy them used online. aimer!~
      3. I find that often has more choices in french than word reference. I forget which of the two sites tells you if the person is a native speaker or not, though.
      4. (I can't say whether or not any of this is correct or not. Sorry in advance.) Bonjour mon ami. Qu'est-ce que vous voulez parler à propos de ajourd'hui? If you link me to your new friend in the lounge we can talk there or you can pm me : D
      5. What made you decide to start learning a foreign language? I decided to start learning French because 1. I thought it would make me seem more intelligent and interesting and like a female James Bond 2. I was reading slash Harry Potter fanfiction, and I kept running across stories in French that I couldn't read. I started imagine how many well written french stories must be out there that I would never know about if I didn't learn the language. So 1. to look cool 2. To read more books. Haha. et vous?
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