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  • Currently studying
    Korean, Spanish
  • Native tongue
  • Fluent in
    Chinese (Semi), Japanese (Basic)

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  1. It depends how much you use it. I've been studying for about 6 years and I'm not fluent but if I spent that 6 year period in China I'd be fluent for sure. I lived in Taiwan for about 10 months and when I left I was very confident in my ability but now that I'm back in the states I don't have many opportunities to practice Chinese so I've gotten worse.
  2. I'm going to write this to help others learn and to make sure I know it so if I make mistakes please correct them! 1) 再也不 - Never again 我再也不要喝那麼多酒了. I'm never drinking this much again. 我再也不要去那裡. I'm never going there again. 2) 一点也不 - Not in the least 你一點也不可愛. You're not in the least bit cute. 魚肉一點也不好吃. Fish is not in the least bit good. 3) 一点都不 - Not at all 你們一點都不聰明 None of you are smart at all. 海鮮一點都不好吃 Seafood is not good at all. 4) 一点也没 - Not in the least, past tense 我一點也沒緊張. I wasn't the least bit nervous. 我一點也沒困惑. I wasn't even a little confused. 5) 一点都没 - Not at all, past tense 今天我一點都沒吃. I didn't eat at all today. 媽媽一點都沒生氣. Mom wasn't angry at all. So, if I made any mistakes please correct them, if you have anything to add please add it, and if you'd like to practice then post some sample sentences here!
  3. I don't know about 'useful' but it would definitely be interesting. You could become proficient in a dead or dying language but find that you never really use it at all.
  4. As communication becomes easier maybe regional differences will become less common but there will always be many languages
  5. I'll always be traveling and studying languages. Hopefully I'll be an old man fluent in many tongues.
  6. It's funny if they do it well but the accent alone isn't enough. They need good jokes!
  7. The goofiness is a bit difficult to deal with but if you can get passed that the videos will be really useful.
  8. I have a friend who went through every Rosetta Stone level and came out far from fluent. If you're gonna use it, make sure it's not your only source of learning.
  9. If I could I'd move to England and stay there until I have an accent.
  10. It's gonna be tough but doable. Watch movies and TV shows. Read books. Study a lot. Stay patient and interested, it'll pay off. If possible, try to find an exchange partner and/or save up to go to Japan for at least a months worth of practice. Maybe you could find a language program to do.
  11. A lot of the TV shows are kind of goofy but they do help a lot.
  12. Hello, if possible let's make this a KTV thread. If you don't know, KTV is karaoke which is incredibly popular all over Asia. If you search for Chinese songs on youtube you'll almost always find a KTV version with easily readable lyrics. I've found this great for reading and listening practice as well as finding new music. I'll start: Crowd Lu (盧廣仲) - 100種生活
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