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      RAHSTYLES's Content - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      Everything posted by RAHSTYLES

      1. There is a Filipino translator here. I hope it is of use to you.
      2. My pleasure. It is good to read different opinions on a subject. The members have brought up some interesting views on this subject and they have been educational.
      3. While it is generally recognized that online translators are not very good and can provide some really funny results I have found this one to be of use. and possibly better than the Google one.
      4. Thank you Saholey. A very interesting article that explains things. It says that such things are possible.
      5. I cannot see how it is irresponsible to try and look for an easy way to learn a new language. Some people can pick it up quickly while others have to work very hard at it. Your statement does not make a lot of sense, it is a bit like saying it is irresponsible to use a car instead of walking because it is easier.
      6. It looks like it is back to doing the work needed to memorize the new words. If anyone can find a very easy way then please let me know.
      7. A very good point. I wondered about the brain absorbing things while asleep. It sounds as though it would not work very well although it would potentially be an easy way to learn.
      8. I wish I had the opportunity to learn while I was still a child.
      9. Have any members ever used the audio tapes that are listened to while asleep and were they effective.
      10. I think that children can learn quicker than adults. Possibly adults are too pre-occupied with other matters.
      11. Thank you for the replies. I guess it depends a lot on the person learning.
      12. Soo desu I did say rap.. i used to battle people at school.. Ni haou
      13. Repetition and more repetition although I am not very good at it.
      14. I find it hard to understand the "broad" accents and it takes time to adjust to hearing them.
      15. I find it hard to learn a new language and I have heard that English is a hard one to learn. Do the members find this to be true.
      16. Unlike hispanics,chinese,vietnamese and ect. They all know how to speak some sort of english! Which really sucks for me cause im not much value as a translator at work since mostly people who need translations are hispanics, chinese, vietnamese and other asian countries! :cry:
      17. Kisame and konoyaro.. Are not bad to me.. thats like saying .. Fool punk... nothing too bad.. Honestly I grew up in okinawa and lived there for years.. We dont have bad words just fighting words. But if you said.. F U to sombody they all know what that means. So basically 50% of japanese people know some sort of english.
      18. Anybody willing to teach me? I need to learn for work purposes. I would be very apprciative. I can be on any program just let me know. Thanks.
      19. I think this depends on where you are at. For example if your working for a business and most of your customers are thailand and chinese of course if you speak japanese its going to be rare. It mostly depends on the community and where you are located.
      20. Romaji is easier to understand for folk who do not speak too much japanese and that are begininers. Japan has 3 diffrent writtings and its really hard to learn them all quickly. I myself is full japanese but I only know Hiragana and katakana is hard and well kanji is just impossible!
      21. Konbanwa, Watashi no namae wa Rahstyles desu. Watashi wa hobbi wa forum to rap desu. Yoroshiku Little rusty but thats my intro.
      22. Hey Im new here nice to meet yall! Im full japanese but I live in USA and I speak japanese and english. If anybody need language help or anything please let me know dont hesitate to ask me! Nice to meet yall! :angel:
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