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Posts posted by NATASHA

  1. I do think that learning a language the natural way is a good idea nd it is a bad idea. A good idea because you will learn it quickly and someone will be able to correct you and a bad idea because you might learn the lazy words that are used instead of the proper grammar. The pronounciation and grammar are very important when learning a language as this would help to communicate a lot better.

  2. You got me here! I can't seem to think of many off the top of my head but here goes;

    "You are walking at a snails pace"

    A leopard never changes its spots

    It's a dogs life

    You are like a rabbit in a hole

    That's all that I can think of now, used to have many in my head and seem to have forgotten about the use of them.

  3. This is interesting and can go on for many of us I think! Wow, there is caution to be headed when speaking or learning another language as it might get you into trouble and you wouldn't even know why if it is not someone that can tell you that what you said was wrong. Hillarious and awkward at the same time.

  4. O would think that they do! There is nothing better than to read a book that has a wonderful and pleasant and feel good message attached to it. "Chicken soup for the soul" is a great book for people to feel uplifted and reading some of the celestian prophecy books have been good to me too. I love stories and books that make you feel fantastic and yes there are such books out there.

  5. This is a good example as it is one that people never remember. I often make the mistake and later realise that it does make a difference when reading my work back.

    Thank you for the reminder as I am sure many of us have made the same mistake or have been uncertain on where to seperate the letters.

  6. I usually use the word everyday instead of every day at the beginning of a sentence. If I am saying that I "go to school every day of the week" but "everyday is a blessing"

    Not really sure if the correct way is either or but I think that you can use them both in the same way.

  7. Learning through experience is a good way to learn anything. If you listen to and speak to people in their native language you will eventually learn the correct way to speak. I however believe that one can learn the correct grammar through reading, reading and more reading. Not books that have been written recently as some of the authors use a lot of slang but the old classics that have grandeous words and sentences in the corrrect grammar. I have been reading books since I was a little girl and I must say that it helped me win all the spelling bee's as well as give me the knowledge to write correctly too. I do get lazy but I think you eventually learn once you are with people that speak the native language. I always sy if you want to learn a language go to the country to do it.

  8. I haven't written letters since school but I often send emails to friends in Afrikaans, I write letters in Italian as I enjoy getting them back through the mail. This also helps me with avoiding the lazy approach and just finding the words online.

    I have also recently been sending letters in Romanian but with this one I cheat as I use bing translator and not sure if I get the message across but usually all my questions are answered.

  9. I think if you do it consistently each day for an hour, it will take 3 months to learn the basics and a year to be fluent. It depends on the methods of learning the language becaus if you were to go to the country to learn it, you would be fluent in 6 months. If you could speak, listen and do everything using the language that you want to learn you would learn it in 6 months.

  10. Oh my that can get many of us in to trouble and I think every language has that same problem. I can't say that I have made any of those errors that I have been warned about except for one. I was asked once I speak Italian and the reply should have been, "Pocha, pocha" which means a little but instead I replied "Porka porka" which means pig.

  11. I always get confused with verbs, adjectives and pronouns. I never know which is which when asked for them and it does get me into a little trouble.

    I can say now that I understand verbs and this chart is so helpful for irregular verbs and understanding them.

  12. I would love to know as many languages as possible for travel,work and just because I love language. I am able to speak a few different languages and i is great to be able to communicate with everyone. I will avoid certain languages that will be too difficult to use and if I am not going to visit the country or I do not have friends from there, I will avoid those ones.

  13. Hello and welcome, I am sure that you will find some useful information here. Good luck with your new country and hope you get to learn the lingo quickly. It is always easier to pick it up shen you are surrounded by the people that speak it.

  14. Aboslutely yes I would definitely go back to school to learn as many languages as I possibly could because I would love to be able to communicate with people all over the world and what great opportunities for work that would bring.

  15. We learn three languages in South Africa in primary school as these three are our official languages. English, Afrikaans and Zulu. By the time we get to high school we do have a choice to alter one language and some of the schools give choices but most of them only offer the 3 languages. It is nice ot be able to speak other languages and I do know that in the private schools they offer French, German etc which makes sense if you would like to see the world one day!

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