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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Largo means long Tenedor means fork Mesa means table
  2. The first two sound like para cree, which would be Spanish words. I agree the last word does sound like autumn. If the first word is paran instead of para, then that is a Hebrew word.
  3. I'm currently learning Spanish. Next, I want to learn Arabic. I'd also like to learn Persia. Because I have a friend who is from an Iranian family and speaks it fluently.
  4. I think it's amazing that someone can learn that many languages at once. I would wonder how in depth they are able to learn each one though. I don't have that much talent. I'm currently struggling through learning just one language right now. More power to those who can do more than one at once though.
  5. I found Duolingo to be okay but I really prefer Memrise. Sure it's not as much of a game feeling, but I feel like I learn more from it.
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