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      Everything posted by Vietal

      1. Yes, this thread is about learning Mandarian which can be phonetically learned in Roman-Pinyin without learning Mandarian alphabetic characters.
      2. One may first learn to read language in IPA script before learning grammar. You may convert IPA characters to traditional spellings. For Example : Through poetry, we learn how each of these make up the parts of speech. θru ˈpoʊətri, wi lɜrn haʊ iʧ ɑv ðiz meɪk ʌp ðə pɑrts ɑv spiʧ. ......IPA Thru poatri, wi larn haau ich aav dhiz meik ap dha paarts aav spich. થ્રુ પોઅટ્રિ, વિ લર્ન્ હાઉ ઇચ્ આવ્ ધિઝ્ મેઇક્ અપ્ ધ પાર્ટ્સ્ આવ્ સ્પિચ્. ....Gujaraati
      3. It will be lot easier to teach Hindi in proper Roman transliteration scheme than in complex Devanagari(Devənɑgərɪ;/Devanaagarii) script.
      4. Vietal


        In Gujaraati (Gujanaagari)) day -દિવસ Days - દિવસો (divaso ) Monday - સોમવાર (somavaar) Tuesday - મંગલવાર (mangalavaar) Wednesday - બુધવાર (budhavaar) Thursday - ગુરૂવાર (guruvaar ) Friday - શુક્રવાર (shukravaar) Saturday - શનિવાર (shanivaar) Sunday - રવિવાર (ravivaar) aa//ā/a:
      5. One may learn German pronunciations through IPA. What's the best way to learn German? wɒt'z ðə best weɪ tə lɜ:n dʒɜ:mən ? / Waat'z dha best wei ta larn Jarman? ....ə/Schwa-a Was ist der beste Weg, um Deutsch zu lernen? vas ɪst de:r bəstə vɛk ʊm dɔʏʃ tsu: lɛrnən ? /Vaas ist der beste vek um dawush tsuu lemen ?
      6. Hi Blaveloper, As a teacher you may learn these IPA sounds to teach Dutch to international students. You may write your post in Dutch in English sounds ! Here are some links
      7. Je kunt proberen om in de standaard Nederlandse uitspraak les te geven (schrijf zoals je het in de alfabetische notaties (?) uitspreekt), met geluidsopnames. Mijn voorkeur gaat uit naar het lezen van de Nederlandse taal voordat ik het leer. You may write this text in IPA using this keyboard. Is there Schwa-a / ə sound in Dutch language?
      8. As per Google transliteration Gujanagari(Gujarati) seems to be India's simplest script along with Roman script. All Indian languages can be learned through transliteration in one's favorite script. These are all write as you pronounce languages and don't require to much spellings memorization. devanāgarī દેવનાગરી देवनागरी দেৱনাগৰী দেবনাগরী ದೇವನಾಗರೀ ദേവനാഗരീ ଦେବନାଗରୀ ਦੇਵਨਾਗਰੀ தே³வனாக³ரீ దేవనాగరీ دیوَناگَرِی You may go through these links. Gujarati lessons 1-4 Sanskrit Sounds:
      9. Hi, I would just like to find out if any of you are struggling with some common problems while trying to learn Dutch. If so, I'm pretty sure I can help out, being a native speaker and a teacher. Hi, One may try to teach Dutch in standard pronunciation key (Write as you pronounce in alphabetic notations) along with audio clips. I prefer to read Dutch before I learn a language. Gujalish /Schwa-a Haai, Aai wud jast laaik tu faaind aaut if eni aav yu aar stragaling widh sam kaaman praablamz waail traaiing tu larn Dach. if so, aai'm priti shur aai kaen help aaut, biing a neitiv spikar aend a tichar. Hāi, Āi wud ja̩st lāik tu fāind āut if eni āv yu ār stra̩ga̩ling widh sa̩m kāma̩n prābla̩mz wāil trāīng tu la̩rn da̩ch. If so, āim priti shur āi kăn help āut, bīng a̩ neitiv spika̩r ănd a̩ ticha̩r. હાઇ, આઇ વુડ્ જસ્ટ્ લાઇક્ ટુ ફાઇન્ડ્ આઉટ્ ઇફ્ એનિ આવ્ યુ આર્ સ્ટ્રગલિન્ગ્ વિધ્ સમ્ કામન્ પ્રાબ્લમ્ઝ્ વાઇલ્ ટ્રાઈન્ગ્ ટુ લર્ન્ ડચ્. ઇફ્ સો, આઇમ્ પ્રિટિ શુર્ આઇ કૅન્ હેલ્પ્ આઉટ્, બિઇન્ગ્ અ નેઇટિવ્ સ્પિકર્ ઍન્ડ્ અ ટિચર્. .......Gujarati /Transliteratable haɪ, aɪ wʊd ʤʌst laɪk tu faɪnd aʊt ɪf ˈɛni ɑv ju ɑr ˈstrʌgəlɪŋ wɪð sʌm ˈkɑmən ˈprɑbləmz waɪl ˈtraɪɪŋ tu lɜrn dʌʧ. ɪf soʊ, aɪm ˈprɪti ʃʊraɪ kæn hɛlp aʊt, ˈbiɪŋ ə ˈneɪtɪv ˈspikər ænd ə ˈtiʧər. ....IPA / Each consonant produces these 15 basic sounds when combined with vowels. ્,ા,િ,ી,ુ,ૂ,ૅ,ે,ૈ,ૉ,ો,ૌ,ં ,ં,ઃ...........Diacritics ə ɑ ɪ iː ʊ uː æ ɛ əɪ ɔ o əʊ əm ən əh .........IPA........ɑɪ,ɑʊ,æʊ, ạ ā i ī u ū ă e ại ŏ o ạu ạm ạn ạh..........Roman..āi ,āu,ău a,aa,i,ii,u, uu,ae,e,ai,aw,o,au, am,an,ah...Type able...aai,aau,aeu a,a:,i,ee,u,oo,ae,e,ai,o:, o,au, am,an,ah Here is a Google translation of your post.Please write in (write as you pronounce) readable notations Hoi, Men kan proberen om Nederlandse les te geven in de standaard uitspraak key (Voeg als je uitgesproken in alfabetische notaties), samen met audio clips. Ik geef de voorkeur om Nederlands te lezen voordat ik een taal leren.
      10. It is important to learn how to pronounce words because sometimes the way words are said could mean something completely different or you will find people still don't understand you. To do this it is a good idea to get a video or sound clip of words that you have troubles with so that you are able to play back and repeat what you are hearing.
      11. Since most people learn second language through English,an easy way to learn a language is to write English words pronunciations in your script as well as in Roman transliteration. This way one may be able to read and write new characters.
      12. To learn German type English words or phrases here and read the translation. What is your name? Wie heißen Sie? (click audio symbol to listen pronunciation) Wie heißen Sie? v i: h aɪ ə n z i: (IPA) >vii haai an zii ? ə /Schwa-a
      13. One may learn Gujarati or Hindi here. Just type words and phrases in English,click translate and read in Roman script. What is your name? તમારું નામ શું છે? / Tamāruṁ nāma śuṁ chē? / .................. आपका नाम क्या है? / Āpakā nāma kyā hai? Most world languages have modified their alphabets and use most modern alphabet in writings. Vedic Sanskrit alphabet have been modified to Devanagari and to simple Gujanagari(Gujarati) script.
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