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      Valeria - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      • Native tongue
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      1. Ciao Sailor Cat I can help you learning Italian, please contact me! Valeria
      2. Ciao! I can help you with Italian, please contact me if you want to improve your language skills A presto, Valeria
      3. Ciao I am an Italian teacher, please contact me if you want to improve your Italian A presto, Valeria
      4. Welcome to linguaholic Filiger! I am an Italian teacher and I can help you in improving your language skills Have a nice Sunday! A presto, Valeria
      5. Ok, then ask me any doubt or question about Italian
      6. Thank you! Hope I can help people studying Italian
      7. I love all the German words with the suffix "-chen" like: Maedchen (girl) Broetchen (sandwich) Maerchen (tale) It sounds so beautifully
      8. Thank you very much! I am looking forward to interacting and learning from you too
      9. Thank you very much for helping me with English ... I really need it It would be a real pleasure for me to plan an Italian course for you, have you ever studied it before? I agree with you, learning from apps is not effective for me neither (?) and my motivation disappears after three seconds ... Just let me know when you are ready Thank you. Ciao, a presto!
      10. Hi! Thank you! I am very glad you decided to study Italian, you won't regret I am here if you need some help in this new adventure! And now I know someone whom ask questions when I am in doubt with my rusty English!
      11. Hi there! My name is Valeria I am Italian and I love languages, like everyone here I suppose! I studied English and German, but they are a bit rusty now, so any help for keep them "fit" is welcome, I'm also planning to learn portuguese and japanese ( perfect match, don' t you think?)...Hope my brain will bear all of them Oh... I am a teacher, I teach Italian online, if any of you is interested in studying Italian, I' m here! Ciao, a presto!
      12. Hi! I am Valeria, I am an Italian teacher and I teach Italian online via live lessons on Skype or Hangouts. If you need to boost your Italian language, for work, study or pure pleasure just contact me, we can arrange lessons that will perfectly meet your needs and interest. Check my website ( and visit my Facebook Page ( you can contact me for any question. Free trial lesson for the linguaholic members. Can' t wait to know you Ciao, a presto!
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