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Posts posted by AntonioCalcano

  1. The three of them are very similar so you can't go wrong if you decide to start with one over the other, just start with the one that you like the most, the one that you feel most comfortable with and from there you move on to the next one and then the last one. Since they're very similar you will find it easier when learning the second and the third.

  2. The easiest language to learn is the one that has the most similarities with your own language, so it will vary from person to person, much like the hardest language to learn is the opposite; in this case your easiest language won't be other's easiest language but the one that is most familiar to you.

  3. The hardest language will vary from person to person and will depend entirely on your own alphabet, so the hardest one for you won't be the hardest one for other person; but in this case the hardest language for someone is that one that has the most differences between them, the most different alphabet. 

  4. I'm extremely dedicated when it comes to learning languages. Languages are my life and my passion, I find them very exciting because they're a new way to get to know more people around the world, to learn more cultures and customs. It's been very easy for me when I feel passionate about learning something and even when I haven't felt that way it's still easy. I guess I was born that way, learning languages being very easy for me.

  5. Those three languages share a lot of similarities among them. I'm a native Spanish speaker and I also know some French. I haven't had the pleasure of learning Italian but I hope I get to it someday. I believe you should start with French if you already speak English since they're almost the same, specially vocabulary. Then you move to Spanish or Italian, it wouldn't matter, then of course finish up with the third language. I would learn all three if I were you.

  6. I think this is a great way for kids to learn a foreign language, by watching foreign shows, most of these shows are educational, they teach children things in a fun way which is always good. Parents will have to look for programs that are aimed at their specific kids, aimed at their taste because if a child likes for example music he should look for a tv show related to that subject. First with captioning and then when the kid gets used to listening remove it altogether.

  7. I think the hardest language to learn will vary according to your own language. So for example if the alphabet is very similar it's gonna be easier in general, and if it's different then the language is going to be harder. So depending on your language you might find a language that is very difficult for you but for others it will be easier. There is no clear hardest language to learn.

  8. That depends on your persona preferences and whether you're able to understand on your own, that is being self taught. For most people it's better studying with a teacher, having a lesson plan because they can keep track of what they're learning and also they can feel more motivated. There are people who can easily learn things on their own and don't need a teacher. So I'd say if you can learn on your own you do it and if you can't you look for help from someone who can teach you, it doesn't have to be a teacher, it can be someone with knowledge, for example a tutor or instructor.

  9. I found out that most people who are good at numbers aren't good at languages and vice versa, I don't know why but out of the students I've had throughout the years this has become the norm. And I can also speak for myself because I've never been good with numbers and I'm very good at languages. Of course there are some exceptions of people who excel at both things at the same time, they're good with numbers and with languages. We should take advantage of what we have and learn what we can. If something is difficult to learn then we dedicate more time until we get it right.

  10. You can say you're fluent when you can establish a conversation with somebody and are able to understand almost everything that's being said and what you understand you're able to make something out of it through context. I believe at that point you can declare yourself you're fluent in that specific language. To some people it will take them less time and to others more but that doesn't mean you should give up when trying to be fluent, you should keep practicing.

  11. I know you already speak English but English is actually the easiest language to learn since it has less tenses than most other languages. It's very methodological, if you follow a structure it's quite easy to form sentences or questions. You only need to be able to have dedication and passion when learning it and you should succeed. You need to practice everyday and don't expect you will learn it by doing nothing, you have to be active.

  12. I believe that is the best way of learning a language, when you travel abroad to the country that speaks that language. It may seem daunting at first and you will feel shy and maybe afraid of doing it but you definitely should if you have the chance. For example there are many people that don't do it because they don't have the means, and others don't do it because they feel afraid. If you can and have the opportunity you should go for it. It will give you the best experience you could have learning a language since you will be surrounded by natives all day.

  13. Okay, first I think you have a mistake in your original English text, you have "here comes the mother" twice. I think you meant "here comes the brother" the second time since that's what you have in your french translation  "voici le frère". The Spanish translation would be:

    Aquí viene el papá

    Aquí viene la mamá

    Aquí viene la hermana

    Aquí viene el hermano (You have "mother" and I think you meant "brother")

    Tomados de la mano

  14. Yes, I can always find time when trying to learn a new language. What matters is that if you really have the passion and desire for learning a new language you will always find time, as many people have previously stated. People who say that they don't have time or can't find it are just fooling themselves, they're making up excuses in order to feel good about themselves for not learning a new language; I mean, it's not like anyone is obliged to learn a new language or anything, but if you really want to do it and feel commited, then you do it and find time; if you're too busy during the whole day then you do it at night or you get up earlier and do it, you don't make up excuses. If you lack motivation that's another issue, you find somebody to help you out, to boost your confidence, if you need someone like that I'm here to help.

  15. The languages I already know are Spanish and English and I'm currently learning French. So I would say other languages I would love to learn are: German and Italian. My grandfather spoke Italian and I never got the change to learn from him. The problem with learning these languages is that it requires a lot of time and dedication. I have a lot of dedication but I don't have much time, I'm always doing things besides my regular jobs, in my free time I like to read which helps with my learning, but I admire people who manage to get time out of nowhere in order to learn these languages.

  16. Yes, I think most of us have given up on many things in life, not only in learning a new language. What I find important is not to give up but to get back up and start again; you see, practice makes perfect and it doesn't really matter if you give up once or twice or many more times, or even if you fall. What matters is that you keep at it and persevere, be constant. I gave up learning French in the past, not because I didn't understand but because I lacked motivation; Thankfully I found great people to help me overcome my issues and keep going.

  17. I once tried Rosetta Stone many years ago and found it very good, however I found progress to be a bit slow for my taste. There are many good apps on Android/Iphone that you could try for example duolingo and memrise are both great options. You could complement any of these programs with aditional reading and watching videos in the language that you're trying to learn, in this case Spanish

  18. To teach English in Latin America you would normally need what you need in your own country. If you're teaching privately then you need a program if you're teaching in an institution then they usually have the program for you. You can teach English online too as many said above, no matter what you decide it shouldn't be a problem to teach if you already teach in your own country.

  19. Reading and writing is the best way to learn a new language not only it gives you vocabulary and structures but you can learn about life. It will make you more knowledgeable, you can learn about anything that you're interested in, many people learn only by reading and writing and it can be tough sometimes but it's definitely possible to do it that way.

  20. Teachers are not only important in languages but they're important for pretty much every subject. Teaching for me is something that you need to have your full focus on since you're dealing with people and you want them to learn, you have to know students' weaknesses and strengths. Teachers help us understand and learn but we also need to study if we want to learn, and some students learn by themselves, but it's always a good idea to rely on a teacher for guidance.

  21. For me it depends on the language and on the experience the teacher has. Of course it helps at the beginning starting with a non-native since they tend to pronounce slower than native speakers do and in many times clearer too. But when you're already in an intermediate or advanced level it's always best to stick only to native speakers since you need your hearing to get used to the fastest way of speaking possible.

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