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Pronounce with Google translate

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Beside of helping you translate from any language, google also help you to pronouce every word in any language. When you do not know how to pronounce any word, you are able to go to google translate from the link below:


Google translate does not only help you to pronounce one word, also a paragraph or an article. I hope this website will help you to pronouce correctly.

Have a nice day

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  • 2 weeks later...

True! This is probably the most useful feature that Google translate has.

In fact you can also get the individual pronunciation of a given word by using the regular search box and typing this:

"define here-your-word"

By finding a word's definition, you are also given with the audio to pronounce such word.

Another good option of English (and other language) pronunciation is a text to speech engine like this, http://text-to-speech.imtranslator.net/

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