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      The ugliest word of the year in german (Germany) (1995-2012) | German Vocabulary Jump to content

      The ugliest word of the year in german (Germany) (1995-2012)

      Manuel Fuchs

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      I have seen my friend linguaholic posted the word of the years (1995-2012), so i thought i can do the same BUT post the ugliest words in German (germany) according to Here we go:

      2012 Opfer-Abo        (this is actually my favorite one hehe)

      2011 Döner-Morde

      2010 alternativlos

      2009 betriebsratsverseucht

      2008 notleidende Banken

      2007 Herdprämie

      2006 freiwillige Ausreise

      2005 Entlassungsproduktivität

      2004 Humankapital

      2003 Tätervolk

      2002 Ich-AG

      2001 Gotteskrieger

      2000 national befreite Zone

      1999 Kollateralschaden

      1998 sozialverträgliches Frühableben

      1997 Wohlstandsmüll

      1996 Rentnerschwemme

      1995 Diätenanpassung

      If you don't understand some of them, please let me know. I will be glad to explain to u  :laugh:

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      You can learn a lot about how a people perceive their language by knowing that they even have an "ugliest word of the year" !

      I think that in German, due to the agglutinative nature of the nouns, you could end up with a limitless number of words and word combinations! It just seems to be what's the most fashionable or en vogue word at the moment that gets everyone's attention.

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