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Learning 46 Languages in a Single Place


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Today I came across with a site that offers free online lessons in 46 different languages.

This site is Open Culture,  that claims to be the best free cultural and educational media on the web, and also offers other free language resources to complement your lessons.

This is the link if you want to check it out, http://www.openculture.com/freelanguagelessons

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Awesome site, I gave it a look really fast and it looks really good.  I like how it groups all those language learning resources in a single place, but there are other great sites for that.  It was interesting to see some of those courses were offered by itunes. That web sites is really worth checking :)

Sadly the dutch section of this web site has very little resources, but I'll definitely check this out :) I might even download itunes so I can check the podcasts :) I just found a set of really nice looking dutch podcasts ''Laura speaks Dutch''.  I must say the reviews on the web site are really encouraging!  Maybe this is the push I needed!

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