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[French, German, Dutch, Russian, Tagalog?] HOY.


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Hello ! I stumbled upon this forum from Google. =]

A little about me? I live in England, I have lived abroad, and traveled a lot. Languages fascinate me. Moy pervy yazik russkiy -{my first language is russian}-. Mon francais n`est pas mauvais -{my French is not bad}-, spreche nicht schlecht deutsch -{I don`t speak bad German}- &ik spreek een beetje nederlands [ik woonde in nederland toen ik jong was. . .jaar geleden!] -{I speak a little Dutch [i lived in Holland when I was young. . .years ago!}-.

I apologize in advance for grammatical errors. I hope I can improve here. . .and perhaps learn new languages - I have Spanish, Icelandic, and Turkish in mind.

Random: I lived in The Philippines during my childhood. I always loved Tagalog, but since leaving almost 10 years ago, I remember things here and there, but forgot a lot. . .I hope to relearn. Meron ba ditong marunong mag~Tagalog? -{Anyone here speak Tagalog?}- Now kaunti lang. [racks my brain] xD.

Well, I will explore Linguaholic, and hope to make good use of these forums. Thank you! =]

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Dear Loki!

Thank you so much for joining the Linguaholic community! It looks like we've got another Polyglot joining the forums! That's really awesome  :grin:

The formatting of your message looks brilliant! How did you do that exactly?

warm regards from Switzerland


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