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      Which Languages Are Represented? | Forum Suggestions / Requests Jump to content

      Which Languages Are Represented?

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      So, I was thinking. This is a forum about learning a language, or expanding one you already know. The most common languages are represented here and have their seperate forums. However, I am sure there are members here that know other languages than the ones on this board.

      Maybe there could be a thread where all members could add which languages they know, and a list could be made. That way more languages could be explored. I, for example, am a native speaker of Swedish, and even though it is not the most attractive language in the world, it does have its perks. Many Scandinavians can speak with each other in their own language and can still be understood. Swedish, or any of the other Scandinavian languages, are represented on this forum. If there is a list of the languages the members know, other members would know who to talk to if they were interested in another language.

      Just an idea :)

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      Hey Deyvion

      Thank you for that suggestion.

      At the moment, there are are just subforums for a couple of languages, that is true. However, the long-term goal of this website is definitely to expand this list with many other languages. The problem is that if you have 150 subforums and not that much content (this website is new, therefore it is no wonder that it takes some time) it will "scare people away". This is why I decided to just create a few subforums to begin with and then if the demand for new subforums will arise, create new ones. For the time being, I thought we could post all questions related to other languages in the general discussion thread (at the top of the forum) and then, if there is a certain amount of posts related to a specific language, I will be most happy to create a new subforum and move the topics accordingly.

      However, I do like your suggestions and maybe we could make a first step already. What about me creating a new custom profile field for "languages that you already know" and maybe" one more for "native language". This field would appear on the left side for every post that you are doing. It would be in the same place where you can now see the "Currently Studying" field.

      Maybe this is even what you meant? I was not perfectly sure what you mean by saying starting "a new thread". Anyway, please let me know what you think about my suggestion and of course you are welcome to tell me more about your original/inital suggestion.



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      I like your idea of having the information under your name. It was sort of what I meant. The languages you study are not necessarily the only languages you are interested in, so I thought that it could be good to have everyone see what languages other members knew. =)

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      As you have probably already noticed, I created some new custom fields. On the one hand you can now insert your native language and on the other hand you have a new profile field for languages that you are already fluent in. I hope that does the trick. If not, let me know and we will further investigate on that issue.

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