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This is not directly related to learning languages, but I figured there might be a few people here that know something on the subject. 

Is anyone able to write (Greggs-) shorthand? Did you learn it on your own? How long did it take you to become "fluent" to some degree?

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I've always wanted to, but somehow never found the time... which probably means I lack the motivation.

Nowadays it's so much easier to record someone speaking, so I'm guessing shorthand is not that popular anymore. Or am I wrong?

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I have a feeling that you're right, anna3101! I don't think there's that much of a requirement for it anymore. People now tend to record speeches and stuff like that, and then transcribe it at their leisure. Of course, we could both be wrong. Where I absolutely have to take notes, I have my own version of shorthand that only i can probably understand. I guess you could say I improvise LOL I have never learnt to do it the proper way, so I just do what I do.

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I have never learned to use shorthand myself. I was never required to, I think. Nowadays you can take your time in transcribing and translating things and as fellow posters have said, I don`t really think shorthand is needed much anymore.

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My mom wanted to qualify as a secretary back in the day and had to learn shorthand for the role so she writes shorthand well. I think this was huge in the 80s and earlier though but when technology came along, it became an obsolete skill.

Edited by foolsgold
for clarity
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But I have to admit, even obsolete, it does look pretty to me. When I was at school and the technology was not so far advanced, I dreamed of learning shorthand. It sounded romantic, like a thing out of spy novels or something :) I think it still may be useful but only for private notes or stuff like that. For any official/work tasks surely a recorder would do a better job.

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