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what resources do you use to learn languages?


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i'm learning spanish and i think its taking too long because the only resources available to me are just videos on youtube. what do you use to learn the language you're learning?

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Videos on Youtube is a staple of mine for learning a different language. First off, you get to hear it and see the person speak it, so you get a wide range of references. It's also great for getting the pronunciation and accent down and sometimes, you also get some additional tips from the video maker that you otherwise would not have gotten if you had studied from a more formal resource.

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I use Rosetta Stone, but they don't properly teach the grammar and usage of words. So I usually take it to the internet and look up the correct usage of everything. I also look for websites on how to write Hiragana and Katakana. I just try to get as much resources as possible so I know I'm learning correctly.

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Right now the only thing I'm using to learn is an audio course, I'm planning to order a very specific dutch course in the future, the same course you need in order to approve the test you need if you want to get a MVV visa.  So right now my language learning resources are limited, plus I spend too much time working, so no idea when I will be able to finally sit down and study the language at least on a 30 minutes long period... daily.

Right now I'd say my main tool are the free podcasts I have found... they re very useful, but useless if you want to learn to spell and write right.

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For me I prefer to immerse myself with the language Im learning, through programs such as Rosetta Stone and Michel Thomas, but also music online material like news websites, and sometimes forums in the language I am trying to learn.

I have even gone as far as labeling household items with sticky notes of the English and other language version.

I find it is very helpful to spend as much time as possible listening and practicing the language regularly, with native speakers or to yourself whenever possible

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