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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Worth reading?


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What is with all the love surrounding “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”?? Is it really that good? I haven't read it even though I was given a copy as a gift because I just never found the time to start it. Now I have a few weeks off, I just might start reading it. I want to know if it's worth my time though. Have you read this book? What did you think of it?

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I've read all the books. I'd suggest you read the first one, and maybe the second. That's all. No point wasting your time with the others. The style is unique. He gets your attention with his dry, sardonic humour, but once the style grows on you - there's no point.

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I've read all the books. I'd suggest you read the first one, and maybe the second. That's all. No point wasting your time with the others. The style is unique. He gets your attention with his dry, sardonic humour, but once the style grows on you - there's no point.

Oh thanks for the honest opinion! I guess I have to see how dry and sardonic his style is. I've read a couple of books with that kind of style and I usually enjoy them. I think I'll give it a try then... at least the first book. Thanks again!

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