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nikolic993's Log: L'italiano senza sforzo


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Song of the day:

Zaz - Je veux


Assimil - Italian With Ease  PW:47/105 AW:4/105

Colloquial Italian - Unit: 1/17

Movies & TV Shows:

7. La Grande Belezza

6. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP2 -  La voce del violino

5. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP2

4. La meglio gioventù

3. La vita è bella

2. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP1 -  Il ladro di merendine

1. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP1

Books, Graded Readers & Magazines:

7. Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)

6. Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

5. Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

4. Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

3. Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

2. Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

1. Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)


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  • 3 weeks later...
Center Script Content

Ciao a tutti.

Non ho scritto niente per tre settimane. Non ho avuto tempo per studiare l'italiano perché ho dovuto studiare per gli esami. Ho un appartamento a Novi Sad, ma per le vacanze sono tornato nel mio paesino, così ho potuto celebrarle con la mia famiglia.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Assimil - Italian With Ease  PW:47/105 AW:4/105

Colloquial Italian - Unit: 2/17

Movies & TV Shows:

8. Il giovane Montalbano S01EP1

7. La Grande Belezza

6. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP2 -  La voce del violino

5. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP2

4. La meglio gioventù

3. La vita è bella

2. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP1 -  Il ladro di merendine

1. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP1

Books, Graded Readers & Magazines:

7. Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)

6. Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

5. Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

4. Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

3. Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

2. Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

1. Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)




Assimil - Il Romeno Senza Sforzo  PW:4/101 AW:0/101

Colloquial Romanian - Unit: 2/20




Assimil - Chinese With Ease  PW:4/105 AW:0/105



From now on, I'm gonna be updating my log once a week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Nikolic993. Awesome log! I think I need to start one! How are you finding the assimil books? I have it for French but haven't done much with it yet. Wondering if it would be worth it to get the Italian one to brush up. I'm b1-b2 but have some gaps with Italian because I learned mostly dialect from my husband. Let me know! Keep up the studying, your log is really inspiring!

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Thanks for the kind comments and for stopping by. I'm loving the Italian Assimil book. I'm up to lesson 59 now, and a lot of the grammar that wasn't clear before is suddenly starting to clear up. The lessons are fairly interesting and in the later ones you get a lot of texts about Italy itself, the education, job interviews etc. It's a pretty good book in my book. :D 

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Nice! thanks for the feedback. Are you just listening to the audio while you look at the texts or doing audio first then reading? It seems that people have different ways of approaching assimil. Also,  do you do any reviewing the next day before you move on to the new lesson?

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This is what my usual schedule looks like:

1. Listen to the audio with the book closed.

2. Read the entire Italian text and highlight unknown and unintelligible words.

3. Read the grammar notes.

4. Listen to the audio while reading the Italian text until I understand everything.

5. Just listen to the audio to make sure my listening comprehension is up to par.

6. Finish the exercises.

7. If I understood everything, I then usually listen to the last 2-5 lesson, depending on how much time I have.

I only refer to the translation on the right side for single words, I try to get the jist just by reading the original and listening, and if that doesn't work, I look at the entire sentence.

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  • 1 month later...

A long due update.


Assimil - Italian With Ease PW:64/105 AW: 8/105

Colloquial Italian - Unit 5/17


Assimil - Il Romeno Senza Sforzo PW 23/101 AW: 0/101

Colloquial Romanian - Unit 5/20


Assimil - Chinese With Ease PW 18/101 AW: 0/101

ChinesePod - Basics  15/100


Teach Yourself Modern Persian 0/20

Living Language Farsi 1/15

PersianPod101 1/???


Well, I decided not to sleep tonight in order to correct my sleep schedule, which has been all over the place these past couple of days. Therefore, I had a lot of time to work on my languages. I started learning Persian today. It sounds beautiful, and the vocabulary and grammar are very different from Italian and Romanian, so I won't have any interferences there. I think I'm gonna study them in pairs: Romanian and Chinese one day, and Italian and Persian the other.

I started reading and deciphering some Romanian and Russian poems just for fun. I plan on devoting 10-15 minutes a day to Russian, just to see what my level of listening comprehension and vocabulary knowledge will be after 6 months. 

I listened to a Russian

by Pushkin today and I understood about 30-40%. I love this woman's voice, it's so soft and calming.
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