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Are you ever emberassed about this?


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I've been in this situation a couple of times. Of course, I wouldn't dream of interrupting strangers with something like "Hey guys, please speak a bit more slowly, I'm trying to get what you're saying" :) However, if the people seem friendly and if it looks like they are in a situation where they may need some help (trying to find their way in my city, wanting to take a picture, having problems buying a ticket in the bus etc), then I normally say something like "Excuse me, would you like some help with....?"

Most of the people are actually relieved someone speaks their language and wants to help. I've had some really nice conversations with foreigners this way. Also, I've been myself in some situations abroad where friendly help was invaluable for me. Seems like a fair exchange: you get to practise a bit of your dream language and native speakers get the help they need in a city/situation they don't know.

Sometimes I've been brave enough to even venture onto "Excuse me, are from country X? I'm studying language X and it's so exciting to hear someone speak it". This lead to some really great conversations.

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Yes, this has happened to me! A long time ago I had an assistant manager who was Spanish and very frequently when she was on the phone she would be speaking Spanish. We used to talk all the time, but I was always too embarrassed and nervous to actually ask her about the language and some things I was curious about. It's a funny feeling indeed.

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Yeah, if you don't personally know them, I wouldn't jump into a random persons conversation. Even more so it you're not fluent; it would just be straight up rude. I really wouldn't want to impose or butt in, since you would probably get a negative reaction from the person/people you are trying to converse with, also.

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