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Could you help me with associations to the word "Professionalism"

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Hello!!!! I have one request. can you tell me your associations and synonimes connecting with the word "Professionalism"? It's really necessary for my future research work). Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think there's an exact synonym for the word professionalism as it is already fairly specific. The closest to it would probably be the word expertise but both hardly mean the same thing. I guess your best option would be to just look at some synonyms of the word professional and use those in a phrase that can mean something similar to professionalism.

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Yeah, there's no exact synonym to the word professionalism. But as you are asking for associations, the few things that come to mind when I hear the word 'professionalism' are the words integrity, code of ethics, punctuality, objective, fair and just, competent. The words I've given are not direct synonyms, but they're some of the attributes I associate with when thinking about it. That is, what actions translate to professionalism (Ex. not coming in late (punctuality), objective thinking (not prone to subjectivity).

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I agree with most of the posters, there isn't a straight forward associations to the actual word but you can use thoroughness, acumen, expertise and the likes of dedication in the stead of professionalism!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Malagasy: Matihanina

English: Competence, Civility, Dedication to ones work, thorough

I think it would depend on the type of job. Some companies have an ethical principle that must be adhered too. The ability to support this can be seen as being professional. To those in customer service, the ability to make the client feel at ease while not falling short of the companies ideals would be considered professionalism.

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  • 8 months later...

Professionalism doesn't have any synonyms. The "synonyms" that you see listed are all words that together make up the description of professionalism.  I have also searched for synonyms for this words.  Professionalism is integrity, courtesy, skill, competence, dedication, good judgment, stability, and responsibility.  It is usually associated with a workplace.   I hope this helped. 

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