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Dreaming in a New Language


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Hehe it could just be your conscience playing tricks on you? Maybe you've been thinking about this thread and it's been on your mind IDK. That's the problem with dreams, you aren't always able to recall in clear detail what you actually dreamt. I imagine it's even worse if you dream in a foreign language that you aren't fluent in.

That's very possible! I haven't actually been actively thinking about this thread or anything like that, but I'm sure the concept of dreaming in a new language has popped up at least a few times in my mind. That, or it just stays at the back of my mind until I sleep. And yes, exactly! It's such a shame that we can't recall everything. It is said that we actually dream up to 8 times (or sometimes more, I forgot the exact figure) a night, but you only remember the eighth dream - basically the last one. 

And yes, it's terrible. I actually DID remember a few more Spanish 'words', but I couldn't really point them out. I kind of knew them, but at the same time, I don't, you know? I have no idea how they meant or how to spell them. So I just forgot about them completely minutes after I wake up.

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I am a native English speaker and I have had tons of dreams where I am completely fluent in Spanish. I think those dreams are sort of amazing! I also like it when I speak French as well. I think that it just goes back to us being all connected and we have the same consciousness. 

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I seldom talk in my dreams base from what I can remember. Although when I was still in school I know I was dreaming and speaking in a different language. This happens usually when I am preparing for an exam. I am not aware but my mom says she hears me talk in my sleep, I felt embarrassed because I might have said something off in my dreams.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sad thing about me is when I dream, any language I ever learn or heard I dream in said language or languages... Or it does the weird thing that I don't like is that'll combine the languages toghter so most of the language in my dreams sorta sounds like the Minions and that always scares me to death... Or the ones I rea~lly love when the dreams are speed up the near light speed and I can barely hear anything and it turns into a high pitched shrill noise... (I hate my dreams....) 

Edited by DivaDee
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I haven't learned a language fluently yet so I'm curious to see if this will happen to me when I do. I've been trying to master Spanish for years so maybe one day I'll have a dream in Spanish which would be very cool.

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Very interesting! It's neat to know so many of us have dreams or parts of dreams about the various languages we're learning or have learned. I have been studying mostly Russian off and on throughout my life but recently for the first time have had someone in my dream speaking to me in Russian (some of which I couldn't understand) and have seen objects with Russian letters on them. I have just chalked this up to my creative imagination and free flowing dream state but perhaps it's something more. Too bad I don't remember more of the spoken words or letters I've seen, perhaps it's some kind of message I'm getting!? Sweet dreams friends.

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