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Looking to revive your language skills?


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I have been looking to re-cultivate my French by giving myself refresher lessons, with a view to getting prepared to get back into my language lessons gun blazing. I know a lot of the Linguaholic members are far beyond the basic stage, but for the few who might be starting out or in the same boat as me, I found a very good site for this sort of thing. It covers a ridiculous amount of languages and is a great resource for basic phrases, idioms, colours, grammar and handy links.

 Here's a link for those who might be interested:


I hope you find it as useful as I am J


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It's a pleasure, @anna3101 :) I've been scouring the net for free language learning tools, and I'm amazed at just how much's out there! With my French and Italian having gone beyond rusty ( *hides face* LOL), I think this site will come in very handy for me, and those in my situation. The important thing for me is that it looks like something that I can use to slowly ease myself back into it, without too much pressure. I don't want to be overwhelmed the minute I step back into it LOL

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It's a pleasure, @anna3101 :) I've been scouring the net for free language learning tools, and I'm amazed at just how much's out there! With my French and Italian having gone beyond rusty ( *hides face* LOL), I think this site will come in very handy for me, and those in my situation. The important thing for me is that it looks like something that I can use to slowly ease myself back into it, without too much pressure. I don't want to be overwhelmed the minute I step back into it LOL

We are quite lucky to have access to the Internet, right? So much useful information out there... I cannot imagine my life without it now. When I think back about my university times, those long queues at the library, writing down information from books... well, I don't feel nostalgic :) I'm really glad we have so many more possibilities to learn.

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I know, @anna3101! I was saying just the other day that I don't know how we ever coped without the internet. We obviously did, but now that we've had it so long, I just couldn't live without it. Imagine that we can now teach ourselves so much without having to pay a penny, something we could not have done before. The internet is truly a thing of beauty LOL :)

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Thank you for this.  I have to admit, my French is very rusty.  I didn't have the Internet until I was in my 20s, and I was terrified of talking to people that I didn't know.  Plus, I live in a mostly English-speaking area.  I had no practice after high school. 

It's a pleasure, @czarina84 :) I've been feeling my way around the site, and I feel that it's a very good tool with which to get back into it. I like how it goes back to basics, and gives you the chance to build you confidence without all the pressure; a really good way of easing your way back into your learning process after so long.  You have the same problem as me, I live where English is the most spoken language, and I actually don't know of any one native French speaker around me, so I'm on my own. Well, I hope you'll find the site to your liking and that it actually helps :)


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Aww I'm glad you're finding this handy, @ Cave Bear. So it's a real pleasure to have helped :)  I suppose sometimes every little helps, especially for some of us who haven't reached the dizzy heights of fluency in our chosen foreign languages LOL

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I've spent some time with this site and I don't really how this can actually help a person who wants to learn only one language. For instance, if i want to learn how to write "Good Morning" in German, I should be able to do that immediately without having to search through that huge list of translations in different languages.

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What a nice site! I'm glad I stumbled on this topic. I've been wanting to revive my non-existant French skills, but couldn't find a place to start. This site looks like a good place to start reviewing. 

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