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Your biggest language learning problem


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I found pronunciation of some words rather difficult. Sometimes the grammar or the way the words were arranged different was confusing. I had an easier time with learning numbers and colors than anything else.

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The fact that native speakers speak a lot faster than most of my tutors and teachers. I am now at a decent German speaker but I still have to ask my native speaking friends to speak slowly. The same thing with my Spanish learning friends and so on. When you get to immersed in the native culture, the situation is way more different from the grammar books.

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It all depends on the language that I am learning, all languages have a certain amount of difficulty depending on how close or how far it is from any of the languages you might know. So if I'm learning an Asian language I find that the writing and vocabulary is difficult, on the other hand when I learned Dutch I found it difficult phonetically.  

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As of right now, my biggest problem is just getting the tonality of the Thai language down. It's extremely difficult to go from written verbal words to sounds when there is such a degree of difference between them, and it's quite frustrating. 

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