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How to self-learn a language: The complete guide


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First off, get rid of that SumoMe thing, it's very annoying.

I didn't read through all of it (I admit, I'm a terrible reader), but I can see how a lot of the article is not original content, as if you've learnt your tips from other polyglots (Benny Lewis, Olly Richards, etc.) and re-phrased those for your guide.
But that's OK, I can't say I've ever come up with my own ideas here neither.

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@Blaveloper Thank you for your throughts! I'm thinking about removing the WelcomeMat every day, as it annoys me personally. But, it's a tough choice, as it's also an extremely effective way to gain newsletter subscribers, who in turn often become active followers of our blog and product. We'll run some tests this summer to see if we can replace it with something more... ...welcoming? :)

As for the guide, I actually haven't read that many posts by Benny or Olly. Parts of the guide come from my personal experience, before I was even aware of the whole online polyglot community. I guess that there are only so many ways one can learn a language, so overlap is inevitable.

The rest is largely based on original research by leading thinkers and academians, mentioned in the article, whom I'm sure everyone in the community has been inspired by.

Of course, nothing in education is truly original thinking, and we all build on the findings and experiences of others. I know I am, and I'm sure other polyglot bloggers would agree.

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While I think that learning under a tutor would be more effective and efficient. Learning by yourself is indeed inexpensive, but I doubt you will learn as fast, unless you have a language buddy with you that can aid you and expedite your learning.

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