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      Sailor Cat

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      Hello, my name is Sailor Cat, I'm 16 and I come from Germany. We learn English and French in school (I've been learning English for 8 years now and French for 5 years.). I'm also trying to learn a bit of Japanese, because I'm a fan of anime and manga and I'm very interested in the culture.

      I'd like to learn Italian and Spanish as well, but I never have the time to start it... We could learn them in our school as well, but if I had taken Spanish, I wouldn't have English and French classes anymore. And the Italian course was always at the same time as the choir and I love to sing. xD

      But maybe I'll manage somedy to learn these languages.

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      Wow language learning in Germany is much different than it is in the United States. You guys study foreign languages for such a long time over there, which is a very good thing. In the US we can go for a maximum of 5 years at my school, but most people are only able to study it for 3-4 years. I wish that we were able to learn languages like you guys.

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      5 years?  Wow, I live in the U.S.A., and your school is progressive!  We had 1-2 years in middle school (that's age 11-14), and 1-2 years in high school, depending on if you went by semester or a full year.  And I went to a college prep private school, too!  Europe is really good about teaching foreign languages.  I'm surprised how many people around the world learn English (probably because they're sick of Americans shouting and pointing everywhere, LOL).  I learned a few words in German from my German-speaking grandfather when I was little, but hardly enough for a conversation.  Your English is far better than my German. Good luck in your studies.

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      Language learning in US seems to be put on the back burner.  I took French in middle school, then I had the option of French or Spanish in HIghschool.   My first year of Highschool they combined all of the Spanish classes, then they fired the teacher the next year.  We got a new teacher and didn't learn anything new, sadly!       I would have loved the choice of learning German!

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      • 3 weeks later...

      Thanks for your nice words!^^

      It's really interesting how different languages are tought in the world! We started learning English in class 3 (when we were abou 8 or 9 years old), but there we learned just really easy sentences and words. With 10 or 11 years I came to another school (a Gymnasium, that's someting like middle- and highschool together) and there we started to learn "real" English. A year later we could choose between Latin and French and I choose French. Later you can also learn Spanish at my school, but if I had choosen this language, I would had to stop learning French in school, and I didn't want that. So I kept French as a subject. We have to take one language for our A-levels (I took two, English and French xD). I'm really glad that we can learn so much of these languages in school.

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