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      Car accident in Spanish | Spanish Vocabulary Jump to content

      Car accident in Spanish


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      How would you translate car accident in Spanish? There must be several translations. Please provide some possible translations. If possible provide some sample sentences as well. Thanks a lot!



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        Accidente means accident and coche, vehiculo, carro, and auto all mean car so you can pick which word for car is your favorite. 


        Personally I would say something like "Recien yo estuve en un accidente por coche" (recently I was in an accident by car) or "Yo tuve un accidente por vehiculo" (I had an accident by car". 

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          On 10/19/2016 at 3:59 AM, Mereloshn said:

        Accidente means accident and coche, vehiculo, carro, and auto all mean car so you can pick which word for car is your favorite. 


        Personally I would say something like "Recien yo estuve en un accidente por coche" (recently I was in an accident by car) or "Yo tuve un accidente por vehiculo" (I had an accident by car". 


        Thanks Mereloshn!

        By the way, what does Mereloshn mean? I have been wondering for quite a long time :=)

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          On 9/18/2016 at 12:28 PM, linguaholic said:

        How would you translate car accident in Spanish? There must be several translations. Please provide some possible translations. If possible provide some sample sentences as well. Thanks a lot!




        A translation like this one may vary from country to country or, even, from person to person. There is not a wrong one or correct one:

        1. accidente automovilístico  (the way "I would say it")

        Los accidentes automovilísticos están aumentando en la ciudad.  (Car accidents are increasing in the city)

        2. accidente de auto

        Jorge tuvo un accidente de auto el mes pasado.  (Jorge had a car accident last month)

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          On 10/19/2016 at 1:22 PM, CesarT said:

        A translation like this one may vary from country to country or, even, from person to person. There is not a wrong one or correct one:

        1. accidente automovilístico  (the way "I would say it")

        Los accidentes automovilísticos están aumentando en la ciudad.  (Car accidents are increasing in the city)

        2. accidente de auto

        Jorge tuvo un accidente de auto el mes pasado.  (Jorge had a car accident last month)


        Thank you CesarT. Very helpful!

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          On 10/19/2016 at 1:21 PM, linguaholic said:

        Thanks Mereloshn!

        By the way, what does Mereloshn mean? I have been wondering for quite a long time :=)



        De nada linguaholic.  No problem.


        My name is a combination of Mere, the word for mother in French, and Loshn, the word for tongue in Yiddish, so it's combining two languages to mean "Mother tongue". 

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