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Help reading (and translating) German handwriting

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This is a letter from my great grandmother to my grandfather, of blessed memory.

It appears to say:

Der HImels ligen begliete dich mein Sohn, Tag und Nacht, Und mogest du sein der Ligen der der Manshherit (?)

Dem Name bleibt unsterle (?) eich

Der Muters wunsh (sp)

My son, the heaven accompanies you day and night. And you should be... manhood?

The name remains...

The (your) mothers wish (blessing.)


Any thoughts out there?




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Hey there

This is what the letter says as far as I see it:

Des Himmels Segen begleite dich mein Sohn

Tag und Nacht.

Und mögest du sein der Segen der der Menschheit.

Dein Name bleibe unsterblich.

der Mutterswunsch


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Thanks, your version makes more sense, I thought I saw some "umlauts" there, but wasn't certain.

"Heaven bless you with my son

Day and night.

And may you be the blessing of humanity.

Your name will remain immortal.

the mother's wish"

This letter was written in1927, as indicated in the top left corner of the letter, it was written by my great grandmother to my grandfather upon his graduation from high school in 1927 in Los Angeles.

Question, as a native German speaker, can you detect any dialect based on the spelling?  It appears that there are some spelling mistakes.


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21 hours ago, Matis said:

Thanks, your version makes more sense, I thought I saw some "umlauts" there, but wasn't certain.

"Heaven bless you with my son

Day and night.

And may you be the blessing of humanity.

Your name will remain immortal.

the mother's wish"

This letter was written in1927, as indicated in the top left corner of the letter, it was written by my great grandmother to my grandfather upon his graduation from high school in 1927 in Los Angeles.

Question, as a native German speaker, can you detect any dialect based on the spelling?  It appears that there are some spelling mistakes.


you are right, there are some umlauts. But I guess it has something to do that in 1927 there was a different grammatical rule for Umlauts. I will do some research on this and will let you know when I find out something. 

Thanks so much for that interesting thread. I love threads like this one! So interesting.


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ok, ich gebe dir einen Hinweis ... Meine Urgroßmutter, die diesen Brief geschrieben hat, war jüdisch, so wie ich bin. Ich habe in der Gymnasium Deutsch gelernt und verbrachte einen Sommer bei einer Familie in Bonn (damals Westdeutschland). In der Zwischenzeit wurde ich religiöser und lernte Jiddisch, und ich habe meine Deutschkenntnisse fast völlig vergessen ... Ich spreche Jiddisch mit meinen Kindern und meine Kinder lernen in Schulen, in denen Jiddisch gesprochen wird. 

Beigefügt ist ein vollständiges Bild des Briefes, wie Sie sehen werden, ist die rechte Seite in Jiddish von meinem Urgroßvater geschrieben.  Ich werde sagen, dass meine Erfahrung mit Deutsch mir sehr geholfen hat, Jiddisch schnell zu lernen.


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