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Alice Munro, 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature: Have You Read Her Works?


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As you may know, Alice Munro was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature.  It was announced just today.  She is a Canadian author who is renown for her short stories.

Has anyone read any of her works?  Do you have any particular favorite short story collections and/ or stories that she's written that you might like to recommend? 

I'm curious to know as she's an author I've known about for a long time but I'm not all that familiar with her work.  I've read a few of her stories over the years that were in anthologies.  I also read "The Love of a Good Woman" a long time ago, and enjoyed it very much.  I'll be reading some of her work again, too. 

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Firstly, congratulations to her! That is an awesome award to receive as an author especially when there are so many people who really don't ever get acknowledged for their works.

Here's a link to an article that offers some more links to about 18 of her short stories for you to read for absolutely free! Enjoy!


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