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Posts posted by SpiralArchitect

  1. I have had the opportunity to be engulfed by the British and i tend to think that their English is more refined and pure compared to American English. I also think that they stay true to the non phonetic nature of their language. An example is how they spell center as centre.

    Don't think there is anything pure about British English considering it hardly resembles the English of yore. The spellings though are easier to get than American English so there's that.

  2. I don't think German should be offered in high school. I have nothing against german, as a matter of fact I'm learning it. But if you will compare it to other language like spanish. I think more countries are using spanish than German.

    Why not? Then both should be offered.

    Really nothing against Spanish speaking countries but the German economy is booming. If somebody would want to move to a new country they'll definitely consider Germany as an option.

  3. Being someone privileged to speak a number of languages, i have come to find that English is actually the other way round. An example is....there is a red car. If this was said in another language it would be car first and then the color hence me saying English does things backwards.

    Not really. Even in Hindi we use the adjective first and the noun later, so its not like it is something exclusive to English.

  4. Shouldn't this be in off-topic subforum?

    Anyways my favorite movie is The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

    The movie has quite possibly the best climax of all time and every actor played their part with perfection. Eli Wallach in particular as Tuco was as good a portrayal as we're ever likely to see.

    Morricone's score wasn't too shabby either.

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