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      Androu1 - Linguaholic Jump to content


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        Spanish, English

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      1. I had never heard of this software, honestly, I'm gonna have to check it out. Doesn't sound particularly interesting from what's been said on the thread, but I figure I might as well see what it's like by myself.
      2. There's a lot of differences between Spain and Latin America alone and then there's differences between Latin American countries themselves. A main difference between Spain and LA as a whole is pronunciation, the pronunciation is very different especially when it comes to words with "Z" in it. There's also a lot of different slang. A particularly egregious example is the word "coger". In Spain, "coger" is basically "to grab" while in Latin America it's basically "to have sex". We use words like "agarrar" in LA instead of "coger". You have to watch out for that one, seriously, unless you want people to think you like to have sex with everything! I don't know about French. I have a couple of Spanish-native friends who are studying French and find the grammar and pronunciation to be very different from Spanish. One pointed out that it was closer to English than Spanish. Portuguese is relatively easy for Spanish-natives to pick up, yeah. It has some sounds that Spanish doesn't but a lot of words are similar and mean the same. Italian is similar in this sense, too. I honestly think this makes it kinda harder to learn the language though, since you are thinking about its similarities to Spanish and end up getting screwed by false friends and such.
      3. In Italian: Buon giorno. Come stai? Come se chiama? Mi chiamo Ray.
      4. That's an OK try xTinx but a few corrections. "¿A qué número tengo?" is good, just gotta remove the "A" "Numero de caza" is wrong. That would be "hunt number" or something. "Number hunt" would, literally, be "caza de numeros" "Encuentre su socio" works but it depends on the context. Partner can be translated as "socio" but also as "compañero". "Socio" is more a business term, most of the time. The context, from what I gather, is a child's game so "compañero" fits better than "socio".
      5. It depends on the country, really. In the USA, Spanish is probably the most valuable due to how many Spanish natives live there or go there as tourists. I know other countries, like my Venezuela, have a lot of Chinese immigrants, though they learn Spanish really fast and communication isn't much of a problem most of the time...
      6. I think it's very hard to choose a hardest language, honestly. It all depends on your mother tongue and such. For example, people that speak English natively will have problems with the Asian languages due to the languages being extremely different in almost every possible way. It works in reverse too, Asians have trouble learning English, especially because of pronunciation.
      7. I'm gonna give this a try: ¿Qué número tengo? ¿Cual número falta? Búsqueda de Números Búsqueda de Parejas Encuentra Tu Compañero
      8. I think it's a decent tool for certain languages. It's not really a tool for a real translator but for those that just don't know the original language of a text. For a translator, I would say something like WordReference would be a much better tool!
      9. It's fairly decent for certain languages like Spanish, Italian, English and such. It's pretty much worthless for Asian languages, though. I haven't tried Arabic or Hebrew, so I dunno how it fares with these languages.
      10. I've been thinking, the poster information at the side of posts is too big. I think the big image of the globe with the user titles (the one that reads like "Language Newbie" and such) should be modified and made smaller. Perhaps removing the globe altogether, leaving only the user title. In combination with the medals, they make short posts take much more space than they should.
      11. I am a native Spanish speaker. Español is correct. Veo que tú lees = I see that you read Veo que tú estas leyendo = I see that you are reading I can't think of any situation in which "lees" would have the same meaning as "reading".
      12. In Venezuela, it varies. It is part of primary and high school education in some places but only part of high school education in others. I am glad that I had english through primary and high school as it helped me greatly with grammar, as I already had some vocabulary knowledge but knew nothing about proper grammar.
      13. I personally find that, in general, writing and speaking are the hardest aspects of learning a language. Anything involving production is harder than anything involving consumption (reading, listening), in my opinion. Of course, listening to native speakers before you know all the "shortcuts" people use when speaking can be pretty confusing. For example, somebody learning Spanish will have a very hard time fully understanding a latin american Spanish speaker due to how many sounds we ignore and such.
      14. I've never tried to learn a fictional language, it seems very pointless to me. There are enough real languages to learn that I don't need to bother with fictional languages.
      15. Yeah, pretty much as others have said. They have shared roots and are both romance languages, so there's a fair lot of similarities. One has to be extremely wary of False Friends when dealing with such similar languages...
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