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      Wanderer's Content - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      Everything posted by Wanderer

      1. He did however leave the picture of his daughter on the coffee table. With it was a pre-typed note that read: "If you happen to see or hear anything about my daughter, please go to the pub on the corner of 5th and Main. I have practically lived there since she has been gone. If I'm not there, Barney the bartender will know how to find me."
      2. Do you know how some identical twins have their own "language" that only they can understand, whether it be written or spoken? I see cursive writing as ending up like that. In a hundred years or so only a select few people who actually took the time to learn it will be able to read it. Like code writing in a way.
      3. For the most part, yes. It is mandatory in all elementary schools, and as you get older it becomes more specialized and more of an option then a mandate. Even though I'm not in school anymore, I am constantly educating myself in the English language. I find it helps a great deal in learning other languages.
      4. I'm a fast reader. Whenever I read something, I do so because I already know that I'm going to like it and I breeze right through it. I don't waste my time on things that I know are not going to hold my attention.
      5. s ..............Who want to use big words so they can come across as being intelligent. But yes, I've heard anchormen and women use words that are barely such. Talking heads don't have to be smart, they just have to look good.
      6. I could see Latin being useful because there are derivatives of that language in others. But Sanskrit? The only use for that is bragging rights.
      7. That is a pretty neat trick. When I was a lot younger they used to give us sentences like that as quizzes. Thanks for the memories.
      8. This is a very interesting topic. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever had a dream in which I was speaking, that I was speaking in another language other than my native English. From what I can remember of my dreams, there isn't rally any speaking in them as much as there are thoughts that don't really come across as such. Non-verbal communication if you will. Kind of like the fact that when you are walking in your dreams, your feet never touch the ground. It's hard to explain.
      9. For the same reason why some people think about what it would be like to be deaf or blind. It forces you out of the box of conventionality and into the prospect of using your other senses to compensate for your loss. It challenges people to realize all of potential they have that they're currently not using. That's my take on it at least.
      10. I always thought that was its original intent anyway. I never saw, or used, Google translate as a learning tool. You can pick up a few things here and there while in the process of doing something else, but that type of "peripheral learning" isn't very useful if you're a serious student.
      11. Accents are inserting. From Atlanta to Boston to Seattle, the English language sounds a little different. I imagine the same could be said for the various regions of Russia as well. Where it really gets interesting though, is when a Russian starts speaking English, or someone with a strong southern American accent starts speaking Russian.
      12. I think the first method that Bob pointed out is the most effective. It helps incorporate the language into your vocabulary more naturally. If you try to force yourself to learn anything, especially English, it's going to be obvious and that's just doesn't sound good.
      13. This is just another example as to why the English language is the hardest to learn. The rule of thumb is if a word has a vowel sound, it's preceded with "A". People who don't have English as their native tongue are going to have a hard time with this as their verbal pronunciations are not going to be that good at first.
      14. I don't even see how that would be possible without translations. Wouldn't that be akin to being asked to navigate a maze in the dark without ever having been through it prior? I just don't see how it's possible.
      15. They call me The Wanderer because I'm always searching for something better. In the case of linguistics, that something better would be a different language. I've gotten the English language mastered ( or so I like to tell myself ), so I want try and learn Spanish. I've always seen that language as a romantic one and an easy one to learn. Wish me luck.
      16. I'm a visual learner. Learning from reading comes in at a close second, but I have always been able to learn things better by watching and repeating what I see.
      17. Reading. I don't know why exactly, though I suspect it's because I have been reading English longer and have done more reading then I have spoken or wrote English. This language has been more ingrained into me through the method of reading, so acclimating myself into another method in this way is harder.
      18. I think aggressive is a good way to describe it. As someone once told me, "You can call it what you want but it's never going to be confused with a romantic language." The German culture is a strong one and I think their language suits that very well.
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