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      dapapas - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      1. The tomato asks the pear how long a have you been waiting (´cuanto tiempo espera´?) The pear thinks he's saying how long have you been a pear. Es pera and espera. A pear. And waiting. In Spanish they sound the same if you don't say it right.
      2. Christmas Carols? You know the only Christmas song that I've actually heard in Spanish (it has also English) is Feliz Navidad. Do you have any suggestions for me to look up?
      3. :laugh: Those are funny. Ok my turn... ¿Has oído el caso de ese fugitivo que secuestró un autobús de turistas japoneses? La policía tiene 5.000 fotos suyas. :karate:
      4. My all-time favorite spanish song is "Tu y las Nubes" by Vincente Fernandez. Growing up, I never really understood the song. But now that am older and more familiar with Spanish, I get it. So this is my favorite song. What is/are your favorite/s song/s? Heres a video of Tu y las nubes:
      5. Hahaha! I guess im a little more slang than everyone else when it comes to spanish. My favorite greeting is, "Odale.'" You can acompany that with a "vato" or "homes." Of course "homes" is english but you get the point. When im around people I know well i use slang greetings. They're less formal and more personal in my opinion. When i walk in my grandparents house, Im greeted by an "Odale' Frankie. Que pasa?" from my grandpa.
      6. My mother has an accent. But only when she's angry. We're 3rd & 4th generation Americans. I never really paid to much attention when I was younger to her accent. It wasn't until I was in high school that I really noticed it. She and I sound like any other Californian. But for some reason, whenever she would yell at me, she would do so in English, and I could really hear her Spanish accent. It was pretty funny! So much so, I would try to upset her purposely so I could hear it again! If she was really angry she would yell straight Spanish to me.
      7. I read it well. I'm often in public speaking situations and have learned what to do and what not to do. I also had to learn for when im interviewing people. Many times its not what you say, but how you say it. Leaning back in an interview shows uninterest. Too far forward could show you're to eager. Little things like that.
      8. It depends on who im around. At work? Never. At home? Sometimes. With friends? Mostly. I'm all for slangs if you're also able to speak english correctly. If all you know is chopped up words, you better go get a book and stop playing the videogame.
      9. I am a slow reader. Can i read fast? Yes. Very. And out loud. But when i'm reading a book i read it as if someone is there talking to me. I read as if its a conversation. With all the pauses. All the ups and downs in a voice. It takes me a while to get through a book. But that the way I've done it since i was little.
      10. My favorite funny one. "Last night a had a dream that I ate a 10-pound marshmallow. When i woke up, my pillow was gone!" -Tommy Cooper
      11. The name is Frank. I'm new here. I'm hoping to get some information and wisdom from everyone already here. I am Mexican and live in California. My Spanish is horrible. I can only understand very little. My mother, uncles, aunts, grandparents all know spanish and speak it fluently. My brothers and I, do not.
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