I think that the answer to this question really depends on what type of a learner you are. There are those who are mind-learners, who can read or hear instructions, and grasp the concept easily. Then there are those like myself who are visual learners, who, no matter how many times they read or hear words, they will never grasp the concept. These visual learners must be shown how to do what they are learning, or they need to see someone else do it so that they can visualize the concept of what they are being taught. Generally these learners while somewhat unorthodox, tend to be more creative, visual and artistic in their thinking. For these learners, I would think that, like myself, tutorials would be extremely helpful. Honestly, online tutorials are how I have taught and still continue to teach myself pretty much everything. I see a tutorial and can instantly do what is being taught. So for me personally, I would have to say yes, online tutorials are definitely effective.