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Posts posted by Saholy

  1. My bag of memories is filled with many embarrassing moments, so it is hard to choose just one. But the one that readily comes to my mind is when I walked up to a man with my husband by my side. I wanted to properly introduce ourselves. Instead of saying my name and then adding, 'and this is my husband'. I said my name and then added, 'and YOU are my husband!' It took me awhile to figure out why the man had such a look of wonder on his face.... :frozen:

  2. There is an interesting article that discusses the possibility that we can learn language while sleeping. Here it is: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/yes-you-can-learn-a-foreign-language-in-your-sleep-say-swiss-psychologists-9574112.html

    The only type of sleep language learning I have done is listening to foreign music. I find listening to music to go to sleep is very relaxing. Most of us have experienced the ill effects of watching a violent or over-active film right before bed and waking up having had a crazy dream. I believe that a similar effect can be had in a positive direction with regard to language learning in that if we go to bed after having had studied language, or after having fallen asleep while listening to language, our brain will work at 'computing' that information for our benefit. While I do not think it is the only way a person should attempt to learn language; I do believe that once you seriously embark on the language learning process, you should avail yourself of any avenue of study. Using only one process is boring and very hard to retain.

  3. I haven't tried learning Spanish for years so I do not think I would qualify. However, if you are making videos than please reference my favorite language video artist for the French language:

    Alexa Polidoro has several videos that concentrate on simple phrasing and pronunciation that makes the language seem attainable. All the best in your video efforts! Don't forget to post again when it is up and running to remind us to take a look.

  4. I think this one is really cute:

    It is an 1877 book that was designed for children. I know that most people would want something more updated but I think that it is really well done! We have noticed an alarming number of English grammar books that are teaching too many idiomatic expressions, writing out the accent in English instead of the proper written form. For example, 'Wader' instead of Water for the American accent. I think it is important for people to learn the formal language first and then learn local ways of saying things informally. Since grammar is a difficult thing, I think a child's grammar book is the perfect thing to begin with. And even for a native English speaker like myself, we have trouble knowing the correct terms for grammar. I only speak the way my parents taught me. But this has made learning other language difficult because when being taught I did not know the fundamentals and so could only learn by being given examples. Instead of saying, 'The preposition would be...' I would need someone to say, 'It is like when you say...' and then I comprehended the use. I think listening to books like this will help all of us build a foundation. Those of us who need to use English anyways.  :wink:

  5. Yes, I have been using Duolingo also for learning French. For some time now I have been trying to learn French but have not been successful in getting the pronunciation down. This app really helps because it forces you to speak into your microphone and repeat what you hear. If it does not sound right, the program remembers where you are weak and makes you re-do the lesson at a later time. I think this program helps us do small amounts of language learning a day, correcting us as we go but leaving us with a feeling of accomplishing something.

  6. My favorite foreign song is probably 'Azafady' by a male singer named Lola. He is Malagasy and the song has been a hit for some time within the country. It is fun to dance to and our friends here even have a routine they do to the song in Malagasy sign language that they have shown at wedding receptions. For anyone who would like to see it go to:

    The word, 'Azafady' is a way the Malagasy language says, 'Pardon' or 'Sorry'. It can also mean, 'Please'. The word, 'Aza' means, 'Don't' and the word 'Fady' is taboo. So you are literally saying that there is 'nothing wrong' or when asking for something, 'if it isn't taboo' to do...

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