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      ProNine - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      1. A bit old, I know, however, I thought it would be fair to answer it even after all this time has passed. The reason I quoted Spanish is because I am now given the opportunity to learn Spanish at my new school, and also because, it is somewhat of a standard for students to choose between either French, Spanish, and sometimes German in schools as a secondary language. However, this was not the case in my old school in Lebanon, which is why I found it somewhat relevant, to mention the Spanish language.
      2. Honestly, I think it would be better to just immerse yourself in the language. I am currently in the process of learning Swedish and my dad, who is fluent, told me that I should simply expand my vocabulary, rather than worrying about the grammar and such. By learning more words, I am able to communicate more easily even if my sentence structure is not the best. The listeners will still be able to understand the message I'm trying to convey. For example, if I were to say, "I be hungry", it wouldn't sound correct, but you can still assume that I'm trying to say that, I am indeed, hungry.
      3. The reason I learn french is because of school requirements. I come from Lebanon where the only extra language you'd learn is French, not Spanish. Thus I took it back there. When I moved abroad, I was still required to take a second language and thus I stuck to my original choice. I like learning the language but I probably won't have much use of it though.
      4. Welcome to the forum Elimination. Hopefully, you won't have any obstacles in your learning process, and you really shouldn't. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to eleminate any hassles you might have.
      5. That actually is important in terms of learning the language. Learn idioms and phrases in groups and categories. For example, use terms and phrases you'd use in various areas and sessions. For example, restaurants, airports, school, etc. A good way to learn these things is watch family movies in your target language. They won't be as childish but would be simple enough as they are meant for children and adults alike.
      6. I'd say one way is to capture the attention of your students. Don't make the learning process boring, otherwise, students will not look forward to it. Maybe you can show a movie to them or something similar every month. As for lessons, let your students have writing assignments. Just give them a topic their writing should be around, and let them choose the actual topic. For example, let them write anything related to hobbies. I can then write about multiple things, why hobbies are important, what are various hobbies, etc..
      7. What you can try and do is simply listen to a movie in your target language, without any subtitles. You then write down what you hear, thus, you're training you listening skills. Afterwards, try reading it out loud and try to find the difference between the way you hear it on the movie and the way you say it yourself. As time goes on, you'll get somewhat better and will improve.
      8. I agree that people learn languages before they attend school, and this is actually part of what I mean. When learning languages, people will learn a lot, then, when they're around 20% of the way, they reach a stage where only a few people keep on learning, others just feel like they're not getting anywhere. Therefor, you need to learn your target language and when you reach a halt, that's when you start looking at other school's curriculum. As for the amount of years, it doesn't matter. You choose where to stop and I simply used 12 years as an average as my current target language is Swedish.
      9. I made a post about a weird teaching method I thought of. Basically, divide the learning process into stages. You start at the basic stage where you know nothing. Therefor, you can bring him baby books and just translate them to him, make him read the sentences even if he doesn't understand, and soon enough he will learn. Afterwards, you can give him slightly harder books and ask him to write about various topics which you can come up with. He's allowed to use a dictionary and therefor, you're really just pointing him towards his goal, he's really doing the work. Don't give up on teaching him, because not only will it help him, it will help you as well. By teaching others, you further your understanding of the language and you will find the answers to questions you might of previously had about the question in hand.
      10. Using dictionaries instead of full-text translation is a way better method to learning a language. Using a trusted dictionary with a whole word bank is definitely one of the best way to expand your vocabulary and learn how they're used. Not only will you learn what it means, you'll also learn similar words, learn how it came about, and how it's spelled.
      11. I think that before Duolingo adds any newer language, it might want to consider working on teaching foreign alphabets. What's lacking in Duolingo is that you can't learn the alphabet for languages with foreign writing methods; like: Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Russian, etc.. It might be a little bit difficult but it's definitely possible with the availability of mobile phones and tablets. Users can draw the letters on their phones, or if they're willing, buy a special device to draw on the PC. All in all, the more, the merrier.
      12. That is true. I didn't really realize how bad my answer actually sounded, I apologize. The only reasoning behind it was that I knew an actual deaf person and he never expressed himself a lot. Despite him knowing sign language. I thought that was the the general idea for everyone. Nonetheless, it's true. People should be able to express themselves eloquently, regardless of capabilities, and sometimes, various languages might be needed due to differences in believes, cultures, and customs.
      13. I was thinking, wouldn't the best way to learn a language is to learn it like a native individual. Let's take Swedish for example, a language I am learning at the moment. The best way to learn the language is to take the curriculim a typical Swedish school uses to teach children the language. You might think it would take you 12 years to learn the language in that case, as there are 12 school years. Now, this is where you are wrong. School curriculimes, in general, aim to teach subject to kids at a rate that they could take it in. For example, it would take a month to teach a kid the whole alphabet for the first time. However, you're an adult, so your understanding and analyzing abilities are better in general. Do you think this method would work?
      14. Could it be because of the different alphabetical system? Learning Japanese can be quite tough unless you do it the classical way, just searching, reading, and listening on your own to various types of media. As for volunteers, yes, it would take someone who actually knows the language and Japanese in general is quite complex and is better taught by a native speaker, rather than someone who studied it on the side.
      15. I do not want to sound prejudice but despite that, I might sound that way, so apologies in advance. Why would a mute need that wide vocabulary? In the case where you are travelling abroad, wouldn't you have someone with you to help you around who could do most of the talking for you. My point is, you wouldn't need that wide vocabulary in general so I don't see much of a reason in having a variety of sign language, other than the cultural background.
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