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Posts posted by Spyllus

  1. On a word level Google translate is pretty decent. On a sentence level? Forget about it....


    It can be a help to get words from a sentence translated into another language but don't expect Google translate to get the grammar right.


    It is just too hard for statistical machine translation to grasp the context as well as the grammar of a certain text. There are just too many options...

    I'm with you on this point too. Also, its better for translating to your native tongue rather than a foreign language, since you know what the translated word means

  2. I always remind myself of the main goal why I wanted to learn a new language. I got two reasons or goals, the first one is to advance my career and the second one is to help make my future travel plan more convenient when it comes to talking to native speakers. I think the first reason is what motivates me for now although just like anyone else I also feel the lack of interest or movitation


  3. I haven't tried studying multiple before, but I imagine that you would want to learn them at the same time. If you learnt one then another you might become less fluent in the first as you forget many things, especially if you don't speak it for ages. Allocating Study time for me, I just allocate an hour a day, however sometimes I just feel lazy and leave a day out.

  4. What's special about your language? Every language has some special aspects. Let me start with my mother tongue: German. One funny thing about German is that there are a lot of compound words. In this kind of aspect, German is very flexible. It let's you put together an almost endless amount of nouns in one word. So you could have a word like "Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz".

    Tell us something special about your language. It can be about the Script, Grammar, Pronunciation. Whatever. You choose and introduce 

    Wow, I think the longest word in English is antidisestablishmentarianism. Actually, just looked it up. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

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