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Everything posted by EsperantoOnline

  1. Agentzero, us native english speakers have a hard time pronouncing that hard R cause we don't get to pronounce it all in our native language. Does this happen in Serbian as well? I think we all have this problem to a certain degree. The "th" sound is almost exclusive to how they speak spanish in Spain. In other places, especially Latin American countries the "th" sound doesn't exist. The word cabeza would be pronounced more as cabe(s)a an s sounding word instead of cabe(th)a a d or th sounding word.
  2. These words are sure magical! Somehow they also remind me of the late García Marquez (nobel prize in literature) if you have the chance to read some of his short stories go ahead, they are great. Amor is a beautiful word too, especially if an important someone whispers it to you: an attractive latino or a gorgeous dancing latina girl.
  3. What a coincidence, just today I was looking back at some old high school notebooks and found that I had a French class where I did okay enough to get a little grasp of the language. It's a shame I never continued learning it because I was mostly interested in spanish which I feel pretty confident speaking even without the "American" accent. I've heard about how some studies have found that people who grow being bilingual have a better brain development and can actually solve problems better than those who never learn at least a second language. While I don't agree completely with it, it's true that people with at least two languages have more options as to where to live and they can also look for more jobs. How are your japanese studies going? Are you fluent enough to hold a conversation with a Japanese?
  4. What I find interesting of every culture is the ability to watch nature or any other phenomena and then come up with a unique word for that. For example think of the turkish word Yakamoz, which means something like the reflection of the moon on water. It even got lots of worldwide press back in 2007 when it was considered as the most beautiful word in the world. If words such as this one exist, with no apparent translation into another language, then reading a novel in its original language could really add up to a different feeling and even subtle understanding on the overall situation in every book. If it were possible to learn every language in the world to catch these subtleties then that would be great, but for now we must conform with translations for most books that we eventually read.
  5. I read all kinds of american literature books back in high school. We did explore English literature a bit but never went into it further than Oscar Wilde or Shakespeare. I do recall having a great time reading The Catcher in the Rye and The Great Gatsby. Atlhough to be honest with you what I enjoyed the most were the Sci-Fi short stories written by americans (Phillip K. Dick) and (Russian) Isaac Asimov. I know that if I were to continue exploring some literature paths I would enjoy English writers too because as pesic87 has mentioned they have a unique way of writing and carefully choose the most appropriate words. Now that I think of it, Lady Macbeth is truly an unforgettable character.
  6. You do have an interesting request. What I did next was to visit a sample page in Korean. This is what I found: "세계를 향한 대화, 유니코드로 하십시오. 제10회 유니코드 국제 회의가 1997년 3월 10일부터 12일까지 독일의 마인즈에서 열립니다. 지금 등록하십시오. 이 회의에서는 업계 전반의 전문가들이 함께 모여 다음과 같은 분야를 다룹니다. - 인터넷과 유니코드, 국제화와 지역화, 운영 체제와 응용 프로그램에서 유니코드의 구현, 글꼴, 문자 배열, 다국어 컴퓨팅." Afterwards I tried several free online translators and as it happened to you I also laughed at some of the translations. However I did find one that was okay and while it probably wasn't perfect you could understand what was going on. The best korean translator, in my opinion, gave back this result: "The world, towards dialogue, as Unicode. The 10th International Unicode Conference March 10 1997-12 opens in Germany's main live. Please register now. The Conference gathered together industry-wide experts in the following fields. -Internet and Unicode, internationalization and localization, implementation of Unicode in the operating system and applications, fonts, character array, multilingual computing." If you are wondering which free translator page I used, it was this one: http://imtranslator.net/translation/korean/to-english/translation/ The best definite answer though would be if a forum member that's fluent in Korean gave us an idea if it actually translated everything as it should be. Chinese does seem to be a hard language to automatically translate, have you found something worthwhile?
  7. Sometimes I wonder about how poetic and beautiful a language can be. What I've known though is that romance languages usually take the first place because of their poetically meaningful and nice sounding words. My favorite words in spanish would be these: 1) Gallardía - gallantry - When someone is courteous and his/her acts show courage and in general, an elegant way of acting. No wonder why there is a luxury Italian car referenced as "Gallardo". 2) Efímero - ephemeral. This word does have an english equivalent, however, it seems to be even more poetic in Spanish because it's mostly used in literary works. 3) Ensueño - dream-like. It's used mainly as a very positive expression where you talk about something you dream of but is quite difficult to achieve. Nonetheless every time you dream about it, that thing is pleasurable an "ensueño". It's also used to describe something that is beautiful and is found in Spanish expressions such as "fiesta de ensueño, boda de ensueño, casa de ensueño" etc... 4) Fantasmagoria - phantasmagoria. This word does have a similar equivalent in English both in meaning and sound. In Spanish though the "F" and "go" sound much stronger and adds even more personality to it. 5) Algarroba - Carob - while the real thing looks and smells quite funny its sound makes this a unique word. It has this characteristic double "rr" sound that is so difficult for us english speakers to pronounce and adds up a little flair to it. If you happen to have more beautiful meaning or sounding Spanish words please add them! I guess any romance language word would be ok as well.
  8. I believe this is happening not only in the U.S.A. but in many countries all around the world. In every place that this occurs a language barrier does appear. At times this lack of understanding with each other can even be a reason for discrminitation and whatnot. Let's remember that learning a new language is actually getting out of your comfort zone and making a real effort to understand sounds, words and concepts that you hadn't considered before. Maybe then it's just laziness or the fact that we think that everyone should just speak our language because we are a "1st world country". Hopefully this will improve in the future so we can actually get to understand each other better and access that uniqueness that everyone has inside of them.
  9. As of now I can say that english (my native tongue) and spanish (studying it since I was a little kid) are languages that I speak fluently. Long ago it didn't seem as if I was going to travel to a spanish speaking country, but guess what, I got the chance to travel all the way to Argentina. My experience there was greatly improved I could actually communicate better and even made close friends, just because I was able to understand them. Nowadays I recommend studying any language even if you don't have plans to go to a country where it's spoken just because life has many twists and turns. Perhaps you'll end up visitng that place without ever considering it.
  10. Hi everyone, as most of you might now Esperanto was this great scholarly project to have a universal language so we could understand better with each other. It's said that this particular project failed although there seems to be a numerous community who does speak the language. If I wanted to learn Esperanto which would be the best way to approach it? Taking some online lessons or actually buying a textbook? If you happen to speak the language fluently, how did you learn it? All feedback is pretty much appreciated. -Multan dankon pro la tre detala respondo.
  11. Definitely reading books gives you the edge on the vocabulary for most languages. Sometimes though, you might have a specific goal or reason to learn a new language. Perhaps you want to expand your customer base for a product that you are selling, so in this particular case, it would be better to learn how people interact with each other. This would be more closely related to how people talk in a movie or a tv show. For deep mastery of any language though, understanding it's written structure is the way to go.
  12. I also play games in english most of the time. When I was a kid I remember I had an advantage over some of my classmates when taking spelling tests because I paid close attention to every word mentioned in every game. As a big fan of RPG's learning new vocabulary was natural because these games are quite lengthy and have lots of dialogue. Now, the most interesting language related excercise was putting the game on spanish and learning new words and the way the voice actors talked. Yet there was this funny part where a translation from Spain seemed as if the characters were using lots of swear words. What I learned afterwards was that a word in spanish can either be a common everyday word or a swear word depending on the country you use it. Just as an example "coger" in Spain is to grab something while in some latin american countries it means to have sex. I remember seeing this for the first time while playing Metal Gear Solid for the Playstation.
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